Huskies are a unique breed. Many people adopt them because they are GORGEOUS but don’t stop to investigate the breed-specific traits that come along with these dogs. As a result many of these dogs end up abandoned or surrendered to shelters because these people were not prepared to care for a Husky. Some of those issues are:
- Huskies shed like fiends! Seriously, if you can’t handle dog fur all over your house, your car, your clothes, you don’t want a Husky. Their fur is long and soft and a pleasure to pet, but it floats around. You NEED to brush them daily or they get matted. If you don’t have a good vacuum cleaner and time to do the daily brushing, don’t get a Husky.
- Huskies are highly intelligent. And clever. And devious. And stubborn. You need to be the leader of the pack. Set your boundaries and stick to them or the Husky will train you to do things the way SHE wants to. That is NOT good. Dominance leads to aggression.
- Huskies are sensitive. Never use violence (or yelling) to discipline these dogs — it will not end well. Learn Positive Reinforcement training techniques. Hire a trainer if you have to: to train the dog AND you.
- Huskies are adverse to confinement. This breed does especially badly in shelters, spiraling quickly into depression and despondency. They also do not do well confined to a crate for long periods. They are gregarious and need companionship and interaction. Boredom leads to destructive behavior. If you plan to go off to work and leave your dog alone all day you don’t want a Husky unless you are willing and able to employ a doggy daycare.
- Huskies are highly vocal. They will talk to you – and argue with you. They will sing to you. It’s what they do. If you cherish peace and quiet, you don’t want a Husky.
- Huskies are athletic dogs with tremendous stamina (think sled dogs). They enjoy running and absolutely require regular, extended exercise. If you are an apartment dweller and plan to leash walk your dog briefly twice a day, you definitely don’t want a Husky!
But, having said all that, because they are smart, and strong, and devoted they make excellent companions — if you are prepared for their eccentricities. Because of all this, we generally seek an adopter who has experience with Huskies or a similar breed for these dogs. That is not an iron-clad rule, there are exceptions: especially with a mixed breed Husky. But in general, we will be seeking someone who is informed and able to provide a proper forever home for these dogs.