This year Blondie Bear turned 13 years old. That’s an accomplishment for a large breed dog. Overall her health is good (no organ failure), but she is troubled by arthritis in her hips. At one point, a few months ago, she was so bad off she was stumbling around like a drunken sailor because her hind legs would not support her weight. (Apologies to sober sailors who may be offended by this colloquialism inspired by their less self-controlled shipmates) To get her outside to potty I had to put Blondie in her big safety harness (wide chest strap and a sturdy handle between the shoulders) and carry her out and in again like an 85 pound briefcase. Ugh!
I took her to our veterinarian, who put her on a course of anti-inflammatory meds and pain killers. These can be used for temporary relief but are not a long-term solution. We need to fix the problem, not just mask the pain. So Dr. Sandra recommended a course of Osteo Benefits tablets and a super-strength fish oil. I ordered them and we began the treatments.
The initial course of pharmaceuticals got her through the flare-up (caused, we believe, by rough play with Blade. I have since cautioned Blade to be gentle with Blondie). After a few weeks of the supplements, I did not see much, if any, improvement and Blondie went through another episode of head-tiling, stumbling around, pain.
I asked Dr. Sandra about CBD oil. She said she never brings it up first but since I asked, there does seem to be some merit to claims made about CBD’s ability to heal some things. “But”, she cautioned, “know your source. Make sure it’s legitimate”. I myself have always been skeptical of CBD oil. To hear some people talk it will cure anything from acne to xenophobia. Sounded more like snake oil to me.
I was discussing all this with another rescue friend. She just happened to have a couple bottles of Max and Neo brand CBD oil that her organization had no use for. She gave me one to try out with Blondie. After a few days at the recommended dose I was seeing improvement. I was highly encouraged. As improvement continued I went to the distributor’s web site to see what the cost would be to acquire more when needed. I was shocked! This little 1oz dropper bottle of CBD oil was just pennies away from $100.00! I can’t afford that!
Enter Stacey, a long time friend, rescue enthusiast, AND essential oils Ninja. She has an infusion machine that makes making essential oils from flowers and herbs faster and more efficient. To say she knows what she’s doing is an understatement. Stacey offered to whip up a batch of CBD oil for me to compare to the brand name stuff.
During our trials, I saw no difference in effectiveness between Stacey’s “home brew” and the commercially produced product sold by the pet supply retailer.
It has been a couple of months now and Blondie is moving around SO much better. I have to remind her not to get rowdy with Blade, because she wants to wrestle him. Over the past year, Blondie has slowly gone deaf. In the past few months, her hearing has been RESTORED. Her eyesight seems to be better as well, but that’s difficult to prove. I can attest that she is moving around far better and enjoying life more than she was 4 months ago.
I gave a bottle of Stacey’s oil to my mother who has a geriatric cat, Libby, who’s spine had become so sore Libby would not let Mom pet her. After a few weeks of a drop or two a day, they are again enjoying daily petting and brushing sessions.
Because of this, and our desire to help other dogs and cats, Stacey and Piney Mountain Foster Care are offering a new product: Chocolate Thunder Fido Fixer Elixir. Locally (but expertly) made CBD oil produced from organically grown hemp flowers sourced from USDA approved growers located in the USA. Produced in small batches to assure consistent quality.

A one ounce (30 ml) eyedropper bottle contains approximately 1,000 drops. Blondie Bear (85 pounds) gets 10 drops twice a day, so a bottle lasts us almost two months. For a two month supply of something that actually works, $100 doesn’t sound all that outrageous. But, times are tough for everyone. Piney Mountain Foster Care is offering our 1 oz bottle of Fido Fixer Elixir for $25.00 (shipping included, no tax).
You may spend more than that on a few days worth of Starbucks.
NOTICE: This product is not USDA inspected and is offered only for veterinary (animal) use. It has not been approved for use in humans. Follow dosing guide on the bottle. May cause drowsiness. Reduce dosage if your pet turns into a sofa wort.
100% of the profits (sales minus materials costs, shipping cost, and sales taxes which DO have to be paid to the state) goes to support the resident dogs of Piney Mountain Foster Care, an all volunteer run 501(c)(3) public charity canine rescue. EIN: 84-3593563
Due to limited supply, we are currently limiting to two bottles per customer, per order.
You may purchase Fido Fixer Elixir from our Store Page