

If I were to say to you, “I don’t believe in molecules” how would you go about convincing me that you and your certainty that molecules exist are correct?

I have never seen a molecule with my own eyes.  Neither have you.  No one has.  Even those who claim to study such things have not seen them except through the filter of high technology; technology that could be flawed, or a grand conspiracy.  I have seen representations of molecules and even atoms, drawn by those who claim intimate knowledge and experience, but no molecule has ever forced itself into my awareness so as to induce in me a belief in its existence.

Yes, situations can be set up where under certain conditions actions result in a predicted and repeatable outcome, but does that prove their theories of why it happens?  These priests of molecular physics and chemistry have agendas of their own; perhaps nefarious agendas.  They promote science as the ultimate authority.  

To me it is enough to know that a chair is made of oak or made of walnut.  When I work the wood I can see and feel the fibers in it, I can predict the behavior of the wood by the arrangement of these fibers.  Beyond that, what does it matter?  I cannot see cells or the compounds they are made of much less the fabled molecules.  It is ludicrous to think that a good solid chair is actually made up mostly of empty space.

If I were to say to you, “I don’t believe in molecules, take your silly stories and go away” you may think me a fool, but what would it matter if I went to my grave denying the existence of molecules, and I was wrong?

If you were to say to me, “I don’t believe in the existence of God” could I prove to you that He exists?  No.  Not if your mind is closed.  For I cannot show you the face of God; no human has ever seen it.  There are many representations depicting Him, but all are drawn from the fancies of those who believe.  I cannot take you to the vestibule of Heaven for a preview tour.

Those of us who do believe claim an intimate experience which proves to us that though unseen, God is present and active.  But the unbeliever will not understand; cannot understand.  They claim our methods of examination are flawed.  They accuse us of seeking control.

But to us the only valid question is, what would it matter if you go to your grave denying the existence of God … and were wrong.

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