Sometimes in the midst of our spiritual struggles we tend to be troubled with doubt. We doubt our salvation. We doubt the existence of God. We doubt our place in God’s economy. It is a common occurrence among people who are sensitive to the pain of sin and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It is not always as bad as it may seem, however, because doubt can be a means of stimulating our quest for the deeper life in Christ. The fact that we doubt could be an indication that our faith is authentic. Seldom if ever do we see disbelieving sinners worried about the validity of their experience in Christ. Godless people are not burdened with questions concerning their commitment to Christ.
It seems that doubt is the devil’s tool to disturb a believing heart. Only those who are trusting Christ for salvation are vulnerable to the tricky questions of doubt. Only people with a serious nature about the things of God will worry about the caliber of their commitment.
Now please do not misunderstand. Doubt is not necessarily a virtue. It is a hindrance. Doubt is designed to weaken and frustrate as it creates a mood of pessimism and defeat. Carried to its logical conclusion, doubt destroys faith and stifles all spiritual initiative. While it is inspired by the enemy, when it is overcome it creates a closer walk with our Lord. It can be a springboard to challenge our best thinking. In honestly dealing with our doubts we soon discover in whom we have believed. Doubt is always on the diet and training table of healthy Christians who are learning to deny their doubts and affirm their faith. So “Have faith in God, He’s on the throne.”