What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie McFerrin posts a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction. The word today is “orange”.
Here is my Five Sentence Fiction entry:
A lump formed in his throat as he watched the frame building burn; orange, red and vermillion illuminating the night. Wood crackled and hissed, glass shattered as pieces fell inward, collapsing. The fire consumed the house, and the memories; all those memories. Was it wrong? No: she deserved it, burn witch, burn.
* * * * *
Please don’t ask where that came from… I have NO idea. It’s sometimes frightening what slithers out of my mind if I leave the lid off.
Would you like to participate?
If you have a blog, create a post with your Five Sentence Fiction story, copy the URL of your post come back here, click that Five Sentence Fiction badge above to go to Lillie’s blog (which is Five Sentence central) and click the Add Yours button and paste the URL into the window so everyone knows you participated and can come read it. It is customary to then add the badge and link to Five Sentence central to your blog post. You will find the code on Lillie’s blog.
If you do not have a blog of your own, add your story as a comment here. If you have commented before, click the line under your name (the date and time of your comment) then copy the URL displayed in the address bar of your browser to your clipboard. Use that to add your name and URL to Lillie’s Linky list. If this is your first time commenting here, your comment will be held for approval: may take a couple of minutes, may take several hours depending on whether I’ve fallen asleep. I do that sometimes. As soon as it’s approved, you will receive an e-mail, then you may proceed.
lol Brilliant, indeed
Too, too funny! Reminds me of the video of taking the whole FB friending into the real world. Thanks!
red hot, sizzling, writer on a stick! I eat!
Thank you, Sandra. Need ketchup? 🙂
My favorite part was laughing at your punctuation (in a good way, with you, not at you) as you tried to cram all that into the space between five periods. 🙂
When tight constraints are imposed one must become…creative.