You know how some commercials just make you smile? Budweiser has produced many of their Clydesdale based advertisements that have warmed my heart. I came across this Christmas ad from Sainsbury recently and found it humorous and heart warming.
It is at Christmas time that our society tends to focus on sharing, togetherness, and peaceful coexistence. That is a good thing. It’s just too bad we, as a society, are not willing to open ourselves to these thoughts throughout the year. Once the lights come down and the tree is dumped at the curb, we (as a society) go back to looking out for number one. Not everyone, mind you, but the majority.
Do you want to be part of that majority? If not, find ways to volunteer your time in your community to help those around you. There are many organizations where you live that are eager for your help. Select one that suits your passions (what tugs at your heart), and your skills or abilities.
The best way to fill your heart with happiness is to pour it out on others.