When you look at the cross, what comes into your mind? By this I mean the cross of Calvary, the instrument of Jesus’ death. It’s interesting what different people see when they look at it. It seems most can be grouped into three basic categories.
The first group are those who see only an instrument of torture and death. A symbol they think should not be allowed to be displayed any longer; our society has outgrown such barbarism. Yes, it is a symbol of suffering and death, but if that’s all we see, we’ve missed its purpose and message entirely and know little, if anything about God.
The second group sees a symbol of their own worth to God. They will say something like, “I am so valuable to God and He loves me so much that he sent His only son to die on a cross.” This too has truth to it, for God does love us and values His relationship with us, but if this view is central to our religious practice, we make the cross into a monument to ourselves, not to God or Jesus. Continue reading “Looking At The Cross”