A few days ago some old feller called and wanted to talk me into upgrading my service with Comcast by bundling telephone in with our TV and internet. I reminded him (as politely as ever I could) that he was talking to me on the telephone, therefore I HAD telephone service. For the service we were using, I pay $30 a year. If I went with Comcast phone I’d be paying $30 a MONTH and get no better service on a device I rarely use anyway. He objected to that, and I told him that I am not at all impressed by Comcast’s internet service. It was quite good once, but lately it just crawls along and we can’t do much of what we expect to be able to do much of the time — things we were able to do before Comcast developed faster services. Yesterday it was so bad it was like being back on dial-up: it took me 27 minutes to upload a 35 SECOND video clip. I am looking for an alternative because their prices keep going up and my service keeps degrading.
“Oh, well if you upgrade to a faster package, I’m sure you will be pleased with the internet service…”
“So you want me to pay more money (about double what I’m paying now, as I recall) to restore the service that I’m supposed to be getting? And how long will it be before you decide you want MORE money from me and throttle back my service again so you can “encourage” me to upgrade again?”
“Well, I don’t know about the internet services.”
He went on with his sales pitch for the phone service and I ended up telling him, ”I appreciate that it is your job to try to convince me to buy more services from Comcast. You have made the call and tried. I am NOT going to be giving Comcast any more money as long as I am displeased with the service I’m already getting. Pursuing your attempt will only waste your time and mine. Have a nice day and good by.” And I hung up.
I really wanted to yell at him because I’m not happy with Comcast: but that’s (probably) not HIS fault. He is (probably) just some poor shlep who took the job of telemarketer trying to sell people more services. But I wasn’t going to let him waste a lot of my time either. Polite, but firm. If that had not worked, I was going to turn him over to Cochise and let THEM discuss it.