This is the second in my series of articles on the business side of being a writer. Originally I planned to use this series as part of a book on this topic, until I discussed the book with a CPA/Registered Investment Counselor/Author. He thought the book was a needful thing, for many authors seem under-prepared to deal with the financial side of their chosen career, but he suggested that I market the book as a sleep aid. Bookkeeping just isn’t exciting (unless you’re writing fiction about a bookkeeper who is a sex-addicted, vampire/zombie, who goes around murdering people. That, people might buy.) To see if he was right I decided to try out a series of articles here on my blog and judge your reaction to them.
As I was preparing this series I was contacted by Brigitte A. Thompson, President of
Datamaster Accounting Service, LLC and author of Bookkeeping Basics for Freelance Writers. Brigitte offered me a series of posts on accounting for authors in exchange for the opportunity to promote her book. Since she is an accounting professional and an author, her advice would be more accurate and probably more valuable than mine. So, starting with my regular post on Monday we’ll launch into Brigitte’s series on bookkeeping for authors. But first, I’m going to slide (most of) the post I had written for Monday in here today because I think it has some things to say that some of you may need to hear and don’t seem to be covered in detail in the upcoming series. Brigitte’s series starts on Monday. Continue reading “This Business of Writing: Setting Up Accounts”