Pricing Your Printed Book: Avoiding the Traps

cost of printing booksIn a recent post, Pricing Your eBook, I discussed the vagaries of setting a price on a book sold only in electronic form.  That model is driven mostly by perceived value and target audience, when determining the price for a printed book you have a couple of other items to factor into your profit map.

Pricing a printed book is also deserving added thought because changing the price of an eBook is a simple matter.  Changing the price of a printed book is not simple because the price is printed on the back cover along with the ISBN and bar code.  Changing the price means changing the cover, which means service fees paid to your printer every time you make a change.

Cost of Printed Book Design

Unlike an eBook, printed books actually cost you money to produce, how much will depend on who you choose to produce your books and the styling of your books. Continue reading “Pricing Your Printed Book: Avoiding the Traps”

Creative Methods of Book Marketing

Writing a great book and getting it published are just parts of the journey to becoming a successful author.  Making the buying public aware of your book – and getting them to buy it – is the final, and often the hardest, step.  If you were able to get published by a major publishing house, they will most likely shoulder most of that burden.  If you go with a small publisher or self-publishing, as more and more os us are, that task will fall squarely on your shoulders.

The following is a round-up of book marketing tips posted to BookBuzzer by Tony Eldridge.  Tony is the author of the action/adventure book, The Samson Effect, that Clive Cussler calls a “first rate thriller brimming with intrigue and adventure” and the Twitter marketing book, Conducting Effective Twitter Contests which helps people find targeted Twitter followers.  He also shares his book marketing tips with fellow authors through his blog and through his free video marketing tips for authors. You can follow him on Twitter @TonyEldridge

Now, on to Tony’s guest posts on BookBuzzr…  Continue reading “Creative Methods of Book Marketing”