The ramblings of an addled mind.
Have you ever considered the virtues of the Christian life as an antidote to every evil that seeks to possess us? The protective power of goodness is strong motivation for pursuing the Godly life. Every detail of life’s temptations are covered by the extraordinary influences of the righteous life.
For example, in the presence of hate there is love to sooth and heal our heated hostilities. As we struggle with doubt, there is the fact of faith to conquer our instability. In the face of fear we are confronted with courage that eliminates danger as a deterrent to the Godly life. Every ugly thought falters in its ambition to muddy our minds in the context of sober thinking. Despair is limited when hope is our daily companion. Lust is lost in the satisfying atmosphere of prayer. Pride is overcome by the humbling experiences that produce a gentle spirit.
Everywhere there is an evil, there is a virtue to combat it. The exciting fact here is God has not left us at the mercy of the devil. We have access to divine resources in our battle with sin. We do not have to succumb to the powers and principalities of this world. There is more to us than our evil inclinations. We are created sufficiently in the image of God to make our choice. “The devil made me do it” is no longer an alibi for misbehavior.
Even when evil overwhelms us and we sin; through confession and repentance we have the force of forgiveness to sustain us. As forgiven sinners we move through every evil situation by the virtues of God’s grace. “Blessed are those who persevere under trial for they shall receive the crown of life.” Amen