Those who know me, know that I normally spurn fanciful, impractical space ship designs in my work. However, when I saw the picture above, it made me laugh: Wallenius, Greenpeace, a ship in space… and sent me off on a flight of fancy that spawned this brain spill, which has since morphed into a full short story. That story will be included in a collection of stories I’m working on. I may not be able to use this piece of art work in that book, but it should be OK here.
The Wallenius arrived on-site 4 days after she received a deep space radiogram relayed to her by Greenpeace central. The radiogram had been sent by a private yacht that had noticed a star cow had gotten tangled in a deep space communications array and could not extricate herself.
As the ship approached the array, Steve Preston worked the paddles that controlled the twin searchlights mounted in the ship’s bow, playing their beams along the massive array. It took several minutes to locate the creature.
“There she is. Five points up and 12 starboard.”
The helmsman adjusted course and the Wallenius slowly vectored in as they drew nearer to the array.
Janus stood beside Steve as they watched out the forward ports. Captain Andersen sat in the big chair in the center of the bridge, watching everything but saying nothing for the moment. The crew was trained to do this work, he trusted them to do their jobs.
Janus had chosen to wear her usual outfit of sandals, denim shorts and a too-tight tank top with a scoop neckline. Steve was having trouble keeping his eyes on his work with her standing so close. Her figure was a perfect blend of athletic and curvaceous. Topped with the face of an angel, framed in an ebony mane, he found her quite irresistible. Always had. Which is what led to their becoming lovers – and what led to their breakup when his jealous side flared.
“So, that’s a star cow.” Janus breathed Continue reading “Wallenius and the Star Cow”