This has been a busy week for all the dogs — and me.
Rebel’s big event this week involved a plush toy. Actually two plush toys. On a particularly rainy, cold day I decided to break out a special toy to amuse him so he wouldn’t be bouncing around the house trying to get the rest of the house dogs to play rowdy with him. I got him a small Orca whale, which he called his “fishy”. But he also saw where I stash the special toys and decided he liked another one better. To his credit, he brought the Orca doll back to me as a trade. I didn’t understand what he was doing at first, then I saw …
The problem with this was that Rebel became so possessive of this doll that he lit into both Callie (who had taken his doll while he left the room for a moment) and Buddy Beagle (who just walked past). Both spats sounded horrible, but broke up immediately upon my getting involved, and no damage was done to any contestant. However, relations are strained now. So I put the dolls up and secured the door. There has been no such possessiveness concerning the regular toys that all the dogs share.
Go to Rebel’s Summary Page

Selma has been getting some free-range running time in the house. So far she has not been nasty to anyone during these times, she’s just been exploring. When she is in her crate with a toy, she will snark at other dogs (except Rebel) if they get too close. I’ve been feeding other dogs within 4 or 5 feet of Selma’s crate at meal times to get her accustomed to the idea of eating together. That has gone pretty well.
Selma is pretty good with the dogs. She has been loose in the yard with Blondie, Josephine, Buddy, and Rebel. She and Rebel love to play rowdy together (which has been resulting in both getting covered in mud), but the others aren’t interested and she has not been insistent … so far.
Go to Selma’s Summary Page.
Lennon has started his medicated baths at the groomer. His antibiotics are about done: a couple more days. Between the two his mange condition should clear up quickly.
I’ve been giving him Turmeric to reduce inflammation in his hip and a couple of us are doing fund raisers (as well as Linda with the auction) to get the money we need to restore his leg rather than take it off.
He is calming down. He will now crate on command, and is calm when I leave him at night.
Go to Lennon’s Summary Page
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