Cold weather is moving in. Many shelter and rescue dogs will be needing some extra warmth in the coming months. Fleece blankets are warm, snuggly, and durable.
Wal-Mart currently has a sale on fleece blankets with prices starting at $2.50 each. We encourage you to purchase a few and donate them to your favorite rescue or animal shelter.
Amazon.com also has some great prices on “bulk packs” of fleece blankets that contain anywhere from 12 to 50 blankets and can be delivered to the rescue or shelter of your choice.
If you would like to help Piney Mountain Foster Care keep our residents snuggly warm but don’t want to shop, you can donate here (button to the right), and specify that your donation is to be used for blankets. We will thank you, and the dogs will thank you.
We do not leave the dogs in outside kennels in the bitter cold. They are taken inside and crated in the bunkhouse. The bunk house is kept at 50° to reduce shock when going out to potty after being inside for a long period. So having warm blankets in their crates is a great comfort to them. And when it’s warm enough to be outside, putting a blanket on their Kuranda bed makes that nicer to lounge on as well.
Piney Mountain Foster Care, Inc. is a registered (Tennessee) non-profit corporation, and 501(c)(3) recognition is pending.