Here it is the last day Rebel will be spending with us and I finally got him to speak to me (instead of screaming). Rebel, Blondie, Callie, and I were all in the den after breakfast. I had the den door closed to keep Buddy Beagle from harassing Rebel – which he has been doing. Rebel was chewing a toy and being really good, the girls were snoozing. Rebel got up, walked over to my chair, looked up at me and said, “Rar rar woo roo.” in his deep Husky voice, which sounded for all the world like “I want water” to me, but maybe I was hearing what I wanted to hear. I asked him if he needed a drink, he ran to the door. That means “yes”. I secured Buddy, let Rebel out, he got a drink and went back to the den.
The point is that he communicated in a way other than his high pitched Husky scream (which gets really annoying). That made me happy because I’ve been working with him on this. Hopefully his next “home” will be able to continue this work. Speaking at the peoples is SO much more pleasant.

Selma has been spending more time indoors and loose. Not a lot more, but more. After Rebel moves on Selma will get more free-range, indoor time.
She is calming down a little. She needs the time to practice being calm as she interacts with people.
Selma has been coming inside at bed time every night and sleeping in a crate. She now crates on demand (with bribery). She stays calm in the crate unless she has an urgent need to go out to potty or to get a drink. She is not one to be up and wanting out at the crack of dawn.
All the House Dogs seem to accept her being in the house, though Callie and Buddy bark when she comes up on the porch until they see that it’s her. Once she comes in, they sniff at her and walk off, declaring the emergency over.

Lennon went to Cedarwood Animal Hospital yesterday for a follow-up exam which included two skin scrapings. He was declared free of mange and ready to proceed with his femoral reconstruction surgery. He says, “There better be lots of treats in this for me.”
I need to call Dr. David Crouch and get things started. Steele Away Home says funds are now available to pay the quoted fee.
Lucy has been doing really well. She and Selma get rowdy with one another through their mutual wall, but I think they’re just play-fighting. I want to try letting Lucy out for a face-to-face meet-up with Lennon. I think they would be good playmates. But I need a helper to do this safely.
She plays really well with Blondie Bear, never getting aggressive or insistent about playing. She has a sweet, gentle nature, with a frosting of high energy. She’s a hound, and needs space to run off that energy, then she’s a sweetie.
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