Last updated on July 22, 2022
Sonny was one of three dogs taken in by Piney Mountain Foster in an emergency situation to keep them from being shot by a “neighbor” whose rabbits were killed and he accused these three. Sonny and his litter mate, Cher, behaved in a bonded manner with Cher taking the dominant roll and Sonny the recessive. He was very shy and reclusive until Cher moved on. He has since blossomed with a personality of his own.
Base Info
- Arrival date: Feb 18, 2022
- Breed: Hound/Labrador
- Sex: Male
- Age: Young adult
- Birthdate: @ April 2021
- Weight: 54.4 pounds
- Spayed/Neutered: Yes
- General Health: Excellent
- Temperament: Shy but sweet. Food-centric.
- SAFER Test performed: No
- Departure date: July 12,2022
Adoption Information
Sonny has been adopted (July 21, 2022)
Progress Summary
Detailed notes may be available below photo gallery.
Relational Behavior
- Relates well to other dogs: Yes, plays well with male and female dogs.
- Can eat food/treats near other dogs: No – will steal food from other dog.
- Preferred style of play: Loves to run/chase/bump, but will also engage in gentle mouth wrestling with a friend.
- Is affectionate: Yes in a shy way.
- Is good with:
. Men: Yes
. Women: Yes
. Children: Yes
. Cats: Unknown - Jumps up on people: Not so far
- Mouths: No, unless you have food/treat in your hand.
- Walks well on a leash: Yes, most of the time. Gets balky if scared.
- Comes when called: Yes
- Sits on command: Yes
- Down / Off: Yes
- Shake / Paw: Not yet
- Kennels on command: Yes, with a bribe/treat
House Dog Training
- Willingly enters his crate: Yes. He LOVES his crate and blanket.
- Is calm/quiet while in crate: Yes unless you’re fixing food.
- Understands going outside to potty: Keeps his crate clean, not yet reliable while loose indoors.
- Alerts me of need to go outside: Yes
- Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: Not initially, has begun chewing his blanket at night.
- Engages in kitchen counter cruising: Yes. He’ll be on top of your fridge if there’s food up there!
- Stays off people furniture: Undetermined, don’t have furniture in The Guest Cottage yet.
Photo Gallery