Maggie was a member of a loving family until the situation with their landlord changed and he demanded they get rid of their dogs. No fault of the dogs, but they lost their home … or they decided to move to Alaska, whichever.
Last updated Dec 19, 2021

Base Info:
- Arrival date: March 30, 2021
- Breed: Dutch Shepherd (breed info)
- Sex: Female
- Age: Youth (less than 1 year)
- Birthdate: @ Dec. 3, 2020
- Weight: @ 25 pounds on Mar 30
- . 50.0 pounds on Oct 5
- Spayed: Yes
- General Health: Excellent
- Temperament: Playful, energetic, affectionate.
- SAFER Test performed: Yes – Passed
- Departure date: April 26, 2021 (ADOPTED)
- Return date: August 23, 2021 (from Newport Animal Control)
- Departure date: undetermined
Adoption Information
- Start by submitting a completed Adoption Application (Now an on-line, mobile friendly form).
- Contact information for your veterinarian is required and we will do a reference check.
- If local, schedule a meet-n-greet after your application has been processed. If you have another dog, bring it. A home inspection and interview will be done after a successful meet-n-greet.
- If not local, adopter needs to contact a reputable rescue in THEIR area and request that rescue pull the dog from us after performing a home inspection and investigation of their own. You will then adopt the dog from them.
- Local adoption fee is $200.00 This includes spay surgery, vaccination against Parvovirus, Distemper, Adednovirus, Rabies, and Bordatella and a thorough de-worming. This dog has been microchipped and will be registered in the adopters name. Any health issues we found were addressed and are described below.
Progress Summary
Detailed progress notes are listed below the summary and photo gallery
Relational Behavior
- Relates well to other dogs: Yes, eagerly greets other dogs
- Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Doesn’t bother her, but she’s piggish: will get into other dogs dish
- Preferred style of play: Likes to frolic and jump on play mate. Great at playing fetch! Learning Tug
- Is affectionate: Yes
- Is good with:
. Men: Yes
. Women: Yes
. Children: Yes
. Cats: No: plays too rough. - Jumps up on people: Not any more.
- Mouths: Not any more.
- Walks well on a leash: Fair
- Comes when called: Yes
- Sits on command: Yes
- Will “Stay” (See the video)
- Go Potty: Yes
- Down / Off: Yes
- Shake / Paw: Working on that
- Kennels on command: Yes
- Crates on command: Yes
House Dog Training
- Willingly enters her crate: Yes.
- Is calm/quiet while in crate: Mostly, unless she gets lonely or needs to potty.
- Understands going outside to potty: Yes
- Alerts me of need to go outside: Goes to the door and bounces on it.
- Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No
- Engages in kitchen counter cruising: Probably – now that she’s big enough.
- Stays off people furniture: Working on that. If we’re sitting on the sofa she wants up there too. Otherwise, yes.
- Purina One puppy kibble now transitioning to Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food
- PMFC Peanut butter cookies given as rewards for compliance.
- Occasional snacks include:
Retriever Beef Basted Sticks
Jones Beef Hooves
Knuckle beef bones
Progress Updates
March 31
She did excellently last night. I brought her in around 8:30. Marie played with her for a bit then I settled her in her crate. We fiddled about for a while getting ready for bed, then slipped off. Both of the new girls remained quiet and slept through the night. I got up once around 3:00 to greet John and they stirred, but did not fuss. I went back to bed and so did they. I got up at 4:00 (as is my habit) and took each of them outside to potty, gave each a drink, and began my study time. Both behaved splendidly!
I have taken her outside to potty several times today and she always produces. No bashfulness here. Has kept her crate clean today and been a very good girl.
April 4
Maggie is settling in well. after a couple of the other dogs snarled at her for being a pest she has reigned in her exuberance and is better about inviting others to play rather than demanding. She’s also developed patience when I leave the room with her crated, she knows I’ll be back and does not fuss.
April 11
Maggie is getting big! She’s only gained 4 pounds but she’s 50% bigger than she was when she arrived. Longer, lankier, leaner. Looking like a dog not a puppy. I’m feeding her at plus 50% of her recommended rate for weight because she is a puppy and growing fast. Also adding cheese for the added calcium she needs.
April 14
Maggie was spayed yesterday. While she was out we also had her chip implanted, heart worm test done, and brought all her vaccinations up to date. She did well with this procedure and is heart worm negative (a good thing). She did not feel well last night, but that’s to be expected: spaying is major surgery. She did not feel so bad as to refuse dinner last night though!
This morning she’s looking really thin. Gaunt even. Can missing ONE meal do that to a puppy? I’ll increase her feed amount to get her filled out properly again. This morning is is wanting to lick at her incision. We cannot allow that. I tried a wrap, she defeated it. I tried a cone, she hated it. So I switched to a donut. She’s doing better with that.
Maggie will need about a week to recover, then she’ll be ready to adopt.
April 18
Maggie had an excellent meet-n-greet this afternoon with a lady who wants her as a service dog (she’s hearing impaired), and the trainer who would turn her into a service dog, and a fellow who will help with it all. They all loved her, and she loved them. We submitted our observations to Dennis, our Adoption Coordinator (who was out of the area this weekend) and we’ll see what he decides.
Maggie is undergoing a growth spurt. She is 50% larger now than when she came in a couple of weeks ago and the growth is mostly in her legs. I am over-feeding her, and adding extra cheese for the calcium she needs, to keep up with her nutritional needs. As you would expect, she’s a bit awkward as she learns to use her new stilts.
April 26
Maggie has been adopted by a woman who is going deaf. She has been searching for a suitable candidate as a service dog for two years. Both she and her service dog trainer think Maggie is just perfect. So Maggie has a new home and a new purpose in life. We’re so happy for Maggie!
Maggie’s new Mom, Tracy Snoozing on Tracy’s feet All worn out!
August 23
Maggie was surrendered to Newport Animal Control on August 7th, but not by the person we adopted Maggie to. It’s a confusing, conflicting story and we’re sure we’re not getting all of it or maybe not all of it is true. Whatever. Maggie was stuck at NAC while we finished rebuilding our kennels. That was completed at 2:00 this afternoon. At 4:00 Doug went into Newport to fetch her back here.
When she left, her step-sibling (Baby) was twice Maggie’s size, now Maggie is twice Baby’s size! Baby seemed to recognize her despite the shelter stink she wore. Maggie definitely recognized Baby! Blondie says she needs a bath.
So Maggie’s story starts anew…
Sept 21
Maggie loves to play with all the other kennel dogs. She is pretty rowdy, but the others are big enough to play along. Maggie will play both the dominant and the submissive roles in play, and will allow short rest breaks when her companion requests it. Blondie Bear is a senior and does not play much. Maggie respects that and does not press the issue. Maggie should get along well with any non-aggressive dog of similar size.
Nov 5
Maggie has learned to play with all her neighbors. Each one has a different play style and Maggie adjusts to suit their style. She comes (enthusiastically) when called and will go right into her room. I no longer have to remind her not to jump on me, and she has stopped “mouthing”. Occasionally when we’re playing tug she’ll nip me, but that’s an honest mistake: I just need to be careful. She’s getting more affectionate too. Still a little aloof, but seeking short periods of petting more often.
Nov 16
The past few nights have been getting down into the low 30’s: too cold to leave Maggie in her outside kennel. She does not have one of out in-out runs where the dog can come inside to escape bad weather. So I’ve been walking her around and bringing her inside at bed time. She stays in our Mega Crate at night. I expected her to resist this, but she seems to remember her crate training.
After the first night, every time I let her out of her kennel she runs to the gate leading to the front of the building and paws at it, “Let’s go in, I want to be inside.”
I put her to bed at 8:30 pm. When I get up (4:30 am) I go outside and bring her into the play yard to pee and poop. She quickly takes care of business and is ready to go back inside. She crates right up and settles in to rest until breakfast.
Breakfast for the kennel dogs is around 6:45. Each dog eats in their room, then gets let outside to attend to their “needs”. Most come right back and want to be back inside. Maggie is no different except that eating is a poop trigger and she needs to go out as soon as she finishes her meal.
If it’s real cold I’ll bring her back in and crate her until 8:30 when I start cleaning kennels. Then she gets a play session in the yard with one of the other dogs while I’m cleaning their kennels.
So far, by this time it’s starting to warm up and she can stay outside.
After kennel cleaning they all get a special treat. Today I handed out Kong toys. Maggie is quite bright and figured out ho to get the biscuit very quickly.
Nov 29
We’ve spent a couple of weeks doing the inside-in-a-crate-at-night thing because it gets cold at night and Maggie is not equipped to handle cold. She has short fur and is lean, so she has little to insulate her. Fortunately, she does not mind going indoors and sleeping in her crate. On the contrary, she is eager to get inside! I use a short slip-lead to walk her to the kennel door because we have to go outside the play yard perimeter fence. After she goes potty, she will often come back to me and place her head inside the loop of the lead, then start walking toward the gate, “I’m done. Come on, let’s go inside.” She makes me laugh.
As long as I get her out at 4:30 am she keeps her crate clean and dry all night. I take her out every two hours during the day until it warms up enough to stay in her outside kennel. Once the sun comes over our mountain (about 10:00 am) she likes being outside.
Dec 18
Maggie has a meet-n-greet today. It’s raining now, but that may abate before her guests arrive. She’s being considered as a playmate for a full sized (120 pounds) GSD named Rascal.

Dec 19
We got word from Maggie’s potential new Dad about progress:
“The drive home went very well, she’s a good traveler. She actually fell asleep on Pat’s feet.”
He included this photo to show how the two are getting along.
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