
Fresh Dirt and Dogs

The Dogtor is in

The low corner of our fenced-in yard is occupied by a large oak tree. Under that tree is so shady that no grass will grow there, but it is a nice cool spot for the dogs to hang out in.

Over the past summer dirt washed down by rain and filtered out by leaves and sticks that build up along the fence has been building up into a raised pad in the lowest corner. It got to where the pad was 6 or 7 inches thick out against the fence, making the 5 foot high fence only 4½ feet tall and a possible escape route for a big determined dig. Or if not an actual escape route an opportunity to get hurt by trying.

So I dug out all the built-up dirt and hauled it off to fill in ruts and holes.

This morning Cochise discovered the refurbished area and spent most of the morning laying there. I told him, “This whole area is dirt, Chief.”

“Yeah, but this is FRESH dirt, it smells GREAT!”

Silly boy.

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