A.K.A. Big Mick, Mickaroni, The Mickster, Mickey Moose, Mickaroon, and Whatagoodboy!

Last updated Feb 7, 2024
Mickey was on the loose and wandered into a campground. He found a child by a camper trailer and they played together. Mom of child let their pet Great Dane out of the camper and it attacked Mickey. Mickey defended himself. Injuries occurred. Animal Control was called. The family demanded that Mickey be destroyed because he’s a “vicious pit bull”.
A veterinarian examined and evaluated Mickey and found no aggression at all. P.M.F.C. took him in and kept him quiet until The Family left the area.
Base Info
- Arrival date: March 20th, 2023
- Breed: Staffordhire Terrier/Black Labrador
- Sex: Neutered Male
- Age: Adult
- Birthdate: March 2018
- Weight: 61 pounds on Mar. 20
………… 57 lbs May 1, 2023
………… 64 lbs Aug 1, 2023
………… 62 lbs December 2023 - Spayed/Neutered: Yes
- General Health: Excellent
- Temperament: Happy, bouncy, enthusiastically affectionate.
- SAFER Test performed: No
- Departure date: Undetermined
Relational Behavior
- Relates well to other dogs: Yes
- Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Yes
- Preferred style of play: Likes gentle wrestling. Will do some running.
- Is affectionate: Yes
- Is good with:
. Men: Yes
. Women: Yes
. Children: Yes
. Cats: Probably not, gets excited about vagrant cat in our area. - Jumps up on people: Occasionally
- Mouths: Yes – its more an enthusiastic licking. Working on that.
- Walks well on a leash: Yes
- Comes when called: Yes
- Sits on command: Yes
- Down / Off: Yes
- Shake / Paw: Working on it … almost there.
- Kennels on command: Yes
Adoption Information:
- Start by submitting a completed Adoption Application (Now an on-line, mobile friendly form).
- Contact information for your veterinarian is required and we will do a reference check.
- If local (within @50 miles), schedule a meet-n-greet after your application has been processed. If you have another dog, bring it. A home inspection and interview will be done after a successful meet-n-greet.
- If not local, adopter needs to contact a reputable rescue in THEIR area and request that rescue pull the dog from us after performing a home inspection and investigation of their own. You will then adopt the dog from them.
- Local adoption fee is $200.00 This includes neuter surgery, vaccination against Parvovirus, Distemper, Adednovirus, Rabies, and Bordatella and a thorough de-worming. This dog has been microchipped and will be registered in the adopters name. Any health issues we found were addressed and are described below.

Big Mick has clearly enjoyed life as a house dog before. He is tidy in his habits and enjoys being able to come inside when he wants to.
One notable thing: when I’m dishing up their meals, most cottage dogs are singing their songs of encouragement. Mickey on the other hand settles on his bed and quietly chews a bone as an appetizer. He is such a good boy.
Recently Mickey has needed to share his apartment with another dog. Twice, different dogs. Both spayed females, but I don’t think it would matter. He did SO well at sharing, they even ate meals together without any antagonism. Mickey is so easygoing!
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