Baby and Maggie were members of a family who loved them, but were neglectful, until the their landlord decided they were a nuicance and he demanded they get rid of their dogs. No fault of the dogs, but they lost their home.
Last updated: Aug 28, 2021

Base Info
- Arrival date: March 30, 2021
- Breed: Border Collie
- Sex: Female
- Age: Adult
- Birthdate: @ 03/25/2019
- Weight: @ 40 pounds on March 30
……………..42.8 lbs. on May 12
……………..37.7 lbs on June 11 - Spayed: Yes
- General Health: Fair (HW+ being treated now)
- Temperament: Exceptionally sweet, gentle, affectionate
- SAFER Test performed: Yes – Passed
- Departure date: Undetermined
Adoption Information
NOTE: Baby has tested Positive for Heart Worms. We cannot adopt her out until that is treated. Treatment will take around 120 days, and it will be EXPENSIVE! We will need to raise the funds to pay for it before we can begin treatment. Baby will not be available for adoption for several months.
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- Submit a completed Adoption Application (Now an on-line, mobile friendly form).
- Contact information for your veterinarian is required and we will do a reference check. We do not adopt to people who neglect their dogs.
- An adoption Contract must be signed by PMFC and Adopter. This is a legal document and an actual signature is required. If the form must be mailed back and forth, allow time for that to happen. Electronic PDF is allowed if you can print/scan.
- Adoption fee is $200.00 This generally does NOT cover what we have invested in medical care and room & board. But it helps.
Progress Summary
Detailed notes are below the summary
Relational Behavior
- Relates well to other dogs: Yes. Gets territorial about her crate, but relates well when in the open.
- Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Oddly, she is guarded when in her crate, but not when eating or taking treats in a loose group.
- Preferred style of play: She likes to run in the yard and gentle tussling.
- Is affectionate: Yes, very much so.
- Is good with:
. Men: Yes
. Women: Yes
. Children: Yes
. Cats: Unknown - Jumps up on people: Yes – but doing much better.
- Mouths: No. Does nose-bump my hands
- Walks well on a leash: Yes
- Comes when called: Yes
- Sits on command: Yes
- Down / Off: Yes
- Shake / Paw: Yes
- Kennels on command: Yes
House Dog Training
- Willingly enters her crate: Yes
- Is calm/quiet while in crate: Yes
- Understands going outside to potty: Yes
- Alerts me of need to go outside: Yes, goes to the door.
- Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: Bedding no, plush toys: yes but not terribly so.
- Engages in kitchen counter cruising: No
- Stays off people furniture: Most of the time. See notes for May 10 below.
- Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food
1/3 cup kibble and 2.5 oz home made stew, AM and PM (needs to lose a little weight) - PMFC Peanut butter cookies given as rewards for compliance.
- Occasional snacks include:
Retriever Beef Basted Sticks
Pet Factory (USA made) chip rolls
Progress Updates
March 30
Baby arrived this morning. All new intakes go into a kennel for evaluation and dog-dog testing with our “staff”. Most stay in their kennel for a while because most intakes are wild-eyed, hooligan, street dogs pulled from a shelter. Baby and her sister, Maggie were beloved house dogs. They should progress well.
March 31
She did excellently last night. I brought her in around 8:30. Marie played with her for a bit then I settled her in her crate. We fiddled about for a while getting ready for bed, then slipped off. Both of the new girls remained quiet and slept through the night. I got up once around 3:00 to greet John and they stirred, but did not fuss. I went back to bed and so did they. I got up at 4:00 (as is my habit) and took each of them outside to potty, gave each a drink, and began my study time. Both behaved splendidly!
This afternoon I was baking dog cookies. I moved crates for Baby and Maggie from the den to the living room where they have a good view of the kitchen. Baby is reliably house broken and a pretty calm girl, so I let her out of her crate to wander the front part of the house while I worked. She found a comfy spot in the kitchen with a better view of the stove and lounged on a blanket.
After a few minutes, Maggie got lonely and started fussing. Baby got up, went back into her crate (beside Maggie’s crate) and laid down. Maggie stopped fussing.
How sweet is it that Baby cares that much about her little sister?
April 2
Baby has been with us three nights now. Each night she has retired to her crate for the night around 9:00, after her last potty run, settles in quickly and sleeps the night through. I hear her stir if I get up in the night to use the bathroom. but she settles again when I do.
I was told that she’s never been crated and would resist being crated. It found it is just the opposite. She finds comfort in her “room” and prefers to be in there when not playing or being petted. If she has toys, treats or food in there, she will be grumpy toward other dogs who approach her crate, warding them off. But if I cover the crate with a blanket – just on the side where another dog might be – she is calm and mannerly.
I have not noticed any aggressive behavior in her at all when out of the crate. She is friendly and playful with everyone, but at the same time respectful. If the other dog does not want to play, she will withdraw her attentions and seek entertainment elsewhere. I have not tried giving her toys or treats outside the crate with other dogs present. Not yet. I’ll give her some time to get more comfortable with The Pack first.
April 11
Baby is doing really well. She is super-sweet and smart as well. She loves to cuddle – can get a little pushy about that sometimes, but I’m working on that. She plays well with the other dogs – mostly. She sometimes gets a bit rough with our “delicate little flower” Josephine. But Callie Roo is good at reminding her to be gentle.
April 13
Baby is at the clinic to be spayed and vaccinated against rabies. We also have them implant the microchip and do the Heart Worm test while the dog is unconscious. Unfortunately, Baby tested POSITIVE for Heart Worms. We are proceeding with the spay surgery, microchip, and vaccinations. We will have to get a quote from our vet on treating her for the Heart Worms, but it will delay any adoption while she undergoes treatment. We know it’s expensive. We will need to do a fund-raiser for her treatment.
April 20
May 4
Baby is progressing very nicely. Her major annoyance for me was her habit of greeting me by standing up and raking her front feet down my belly and legs. This is just poor training: something that was cute as a tiny puppy, so it was allowed, maybe even encouraged. When the dog gets older it’s no longer cute. Being a Border Collie, she instinctively wants to be “touchy” with her forelimbs. I’ve been working with her on channeling this and we’ve compromised.
May 10
Baby is scheduled to begin heart worm treatment on May 12th. That should be completed 120 days after that.
Baby has been good about staying off the people furniture, except that she and Marie have decided it’s okay for her to come up on the bed for some bedtime belly rubbing.
Baby was insistently affectionate when she got here, often interrupting my work at my desk by crawling onto my lap and punching my arms with her nose (making it impossible to type), demanding petting. We’ve been working on that. Now when she wants petting she comes over, stands on her hind legs and places one paw on the back of my chair and one paw between my shoulder blades. If I don’t respond in a few moments she will start tapping my back gently with that foot, “Sir, please sir, may I have a moment of your time?” It’s very sweet, and it never fails to get her some snuggle time — as soon as I get to a stopping point. She is one bright dog (Border Collies are) and she’s willing to compromise to make everyone happy.
May 14
Baby has begun heart worm treatment. The initial phase is to kill the microfilaria in her blood and reduce inflammation and risk of infection with Doxycycline and Prednisone. Typically this goes for 30 days then she gets the first Immiticide injection. This process will take months and is expensive (typically runs around $1,600.00 for a dog her size). If you want to help us pay for her life-saving treatment, please do so below — and we Thank you!
May 30
Baby’s energy level has declined quite a lot. She no longer goes out to play with the others in the yard. Most times she will not leave the walkway, but insists she stay right beside me. She pees and poops on the gravel then wants right back in the house to lounge in her crate. Whether this is due to her medications or the worms chewing on and clogging her heart I cannot say. We elected to save $300 by opting out of the x-rays and blood panel prior to treatment. She seems in good spirits and still has a healthy appetite.
She eagerly anticipates snuggling with me in bed while I read before lights-out. When I go in to change into my PJs she repeatedly peaks around the corner to see if I’m ready. If not she ducks back into the den where her crate is. When I’m settled into the bed with my big reading pillow she comes in and sits beside the bed, her little tail stump wiggling madly, until I say, “okay” then she leaps up on the bed and flops down beside my legs. It makes her SO happy.
June 11
A quick update on Baby.
She spent the day at Cedarwood Veterinary Hospital, P.C. to get her first Immiticide treatment. They say she did very well and all of the staff (and everyone in the waiting room this evening) think she is the SWEETEST most loving dog. And, of course, she is!
When she got home she trotted up the walkway, in the back door and straight to her room, her sanctuary, until I had dinner ready to serve. Eat, go out to potty, then right back to her room, with her toy treasury. She’s sleeping now, glad to be home.
She goes back in a month for her second round of shots, then begins a 30 day recuperation period with strictly limited activity. Basically this is crate rest to keep her from forming an embolism in her lungs. That would be bad: she could die.

July 31
On most evenings it is Doug’s habit to take a shower then sit in bed and read for a while. When he comes out of the bathroom Baby (Bae Bae) is generally lounging on the people bed ready for evening snuggles.
Last night, as he was heading for the shower, he stopped to grab his PJs and heard a soft “whump”. Looking beside him he found Baby already in position, “I’m ready for snuggles.”
“They’d be stinky snuggles, let me shower first.”
“I like stinky stuff. I’m a dog.”
“I’m going to shower first anyway.”
“Whatever. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
And she was.
Baby is doing really well with her heart worm treatment recovery.
She is becoming a bit of a nuisance with her habit of stepping in front of me as I’m walking down the hallway, flopping down on the floor and rolling up on her back to demand a belly rub. Normally I just step over her and keep going, then come back to offer a belly rub when I’ve accomplished my task. I want to discourage her from trying and trip us.
August 21
Baby has gone on several home visits with her prospective adopters including two visits where Marie and I left her there with them. The latest one was for two hours. Baby did well: no anxiety over us leaving her.
The next morning, Marie was readying to leave the house and Baby was dancing by the door, “Let’s go, let’s go, I want to go see my other family again.” She was disappointed to find that Marie was going to work.
Baby is scheduled to begin her Foster-To-Adopt phase next week. Here a quick look at this cutie being silly.
Aug 28

Baby (now going by Babe) is on a two week trial, or foster-to-adopt, session in her new home. She has visited several times, so these people were not strangers to her. Martha sent this shot this morning: Babe seems to be settling in well. She and Dick spend their days hanging out together, going for walks and taking naps. They snuggle up together at night. She even gets along with their cats. Looks like a success story in the making!
More will be added as this sweet girl progresses. Subscribe for notification of updates.
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Everyone involved with PMFC is a volunteer,
no donated funds go to salaries or benefits.
We are 501(c)(3) – EIN: 84-3593563
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I am very interested in Baby the border collie for my widowed mother. My retired mother is looking for a companion dog. My mother lives in a quiet neighborhood and has part of her yard fenced. Could you tell me the next step I should take in the adoption process?
Donna Smelcer
Hi Donna,
If you have familiarized yourself with Baby by reading her page, then the next step is to submit an Adoption Application on behalf of your mother. That is found here: there is also a link in the Adoption Information section of Baby’s page.
Just a heads-up, Donna: Baby tested positive for heart worms yesterday. We will need to treat her for this before she can be adopted.
I am interested in Babe. I love working outside, and I miss having a dog companion outside with me. I have not have one since our Blue Heeler died. I have read all the info on Babe. Has she recovered from HW.?
I would be interested in driving to Newport to see her, if I am considered a good mamma.
We live on 2 acres, with a 11 x40 fenced dog run. This is where we kept our BH, when we weren’t outside. We have everything we need except the dog. I am filling out an app today
Baby was just diagnosed with the Heart Worm issue and we are trying to get a cost from our veterinarian so we can do a fund raiser. Once begun, treatment will likely take 90 days.