Surrendered to a shelter by a breeder because he did not meet their standards.
Base Info
- Arrival date: Oct 18, 2021
- Breed: Double Merle Australian Shepherd
- Sex: Male
- Age: Puppy
- Birthdate: @ July 22, 2021
- Weight: 13 pounds on Oct 18
……….. 13.2 Lbs Nov. 2 - Spayed/Neutered: Yes
- General Health: Excellent
- Temperament: Playful, inquisitive. Learning to be affectionate.
- SAFER Test performed: No
- Departure date: Nov. 4, 2021 heading for A Pathway to Hope. They will handle his adoption.
Progress Updates
Oct. 19, 2021
Gabriel has settled into his room and is a playful, inquisitive boy. Clearly he is not blind, as was suspected. I don’t think he’s deaf either, for he responds to sounds when I’m behind him. His left eye appears to be “lazy” (doesn’t track with his right eye). He has an occasional cough. We’ll see what the vet has to say about that tomorrow.
Oct. 20
Gabriel spent the day at the vet today for evaluation. Totally deaf. He has good vision in at least one eye. No issues with his lungs, Dr. thinks the occasional “cough” is more of a reflux/regurgitation. He only did it once during the day he spent there, so it’s hard to say for sure. Dr. Sandra did a chest x-ray just to make sure there were no issues with his lungs. They were clear. He does have Coccidia, I start him on a 6 day course of Albon tomorrow. We’ll re-test afterward. Gabriel was declared a “Total Snuggle-bug” and the staff had to take turns cuddling with him.
Oct. 30
Gabriel is doing well. he has completed his course of Albon and his poops have become normal. He will be retested next Tuesday to be sure he’s clear of the Coccidia and to get his Health Certification so he may travel interstate on November 4th.
Gabriel’s intake was an emergency situation. He needed a place to go. A Pathway to Hope would take him, but needed a local foster to care for him until transport. He’s just a little feller, so we agreed to keep him in our mega-crate in the kennel building. He has a play pen in the yard where I can take him for fresh air, sunshine, and safe interaction with other dogs. That has been a good solution for him. But now that the weather is getting chilly – and it’s been raining – spending the night in the kennel building is not the best solution for him So we brought him in the house last night, now that there should be no chance he’d infect the house dogs with Coccidia.
Gabriel slept through the night despite the fact that I was up several times during the night walking past his crate each time. He would lift his head to watch me, but as I slid back into bed he went back to sleep too.
In the morning I took him outside to pee. He did. Wasn’t ready to do anything else yet, so we went back inside and I moved his crate to the den where I would be trying to study. After a little fussing, Gabe settled in to play with the toys in his crate, then took a nap.
He did poop in his crate. I smelled it and took it out before he stomped in it. All in all, he did really well for his first night.
Nov 3
Gabriel is doing well at learning to be a house dog. He is pretty well crate trained already. He sleeps through the night every night, waiting until I get up around 4:30 to go outside to relieve himself. He gets several free-play sessions a day where he can run at large. That’s in the house or outside if he chooses. Whatever he wants to do. He loves to explore, but always keeps an eye on me. As long as he can see me he will wander around, greet all the other dogs, sniff out treasures, and just get to know the area. If I move, — ZIP — he’s right beside me!
When he goes back to his crate, he is good most of the time. He gets boisterous when I’m dishing up the dog food and if I’m in the room and he wants to play. If I leave the room, he quiets down and plays or sleeps.
Nov 5
Gabriel has arrived safely in New Jersey and has THREE handsome young fellows to accompany him to his new foster home.