

Tonka has clearly been a family dog, he is trained and well behaved. But he’s been on his own for a long time and is in rough shape. But he’s at PMFC now and we’ll take good care of him.

Last updated: Nov 3, 2022


Tonka was picked up for vagrancy by City of Newport Animal Control on Sept 24th. He is emaciated, fur is badly matted, has ear infections, skin issues, and heart worms. He’s a gentle, sweet boy and has been trained. But he’s been roughing it for a while. No tags, no microchip, no response to Found Dog notices. His future didn’t look good. But A Pathway to Hope stepped in and PMFC will foster him for them while they arrange a local (to them) foster. He needs specialty care that would be better done close to Pathway.

Base Info:

  • Arrival date: Sept 28, 2022
  • Breed: Golden Retriever/Husky mix
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: Mature
  • Birth date: 09/24/2015
  • Weight: 46.8 pounds on Sept 24 (should be 70 pounds)
    ………….. 48.6 pounds on Sept 29 (different scale)
    ………….. 46.8 pounds on Oct 14
    ………….. 52.8 pounds on Oct 19 (YAY!)
    ………….. 53.6 Pounds on Nov.1
  • Spayed/Neutered: Not Yet
  • General Health: Poor
  • Temperament: Calm and gentle – but the sick ones often are. Likes to sing and dance, has a great voice.
  • SAFER Test performed: Yes – Passed easily
  • Departure date: November 4th, 2022 headed to A Pathway to Hope

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Mostly. Responds in kind when approached with aggression. Being an intact male he can get “forward” with the ladies.
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: No. Having been starved he resource-guards.
  • Preferred style of play: Indoors he likes squeaky plush toys. Treats them gently. Outdoors he doesn’t play yet. He explores.
  • Is affectionate: Yes. Loves being petted, especially belly rubs.
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Probably
    . Cats: NO.
  • Jumps up on people: No
  • Mouths: If he thinks you have food in your hand. Give treats in an open hand, not held in your fingers.
  • Walks well on a leash: Yes
  • OTHER: Loves to go for car rides. Loads up easily and is calm and attentive while riding. He’s always up for another adventure!


  • Comes when called: Yes.
  • Sits on command: Yes
  • Speak: Yes
  • Down / Off: Not Applicable
  • Shake / Paw: Not yet
  • Kennels on command: Yes

Matted Fur

This poor boy has fur that is one solid mat all over his body. The fur on his belly is urine soaked and is burning his skin. Mats around his hind legs prevent them from moving normally. Our veterinarian ordered him shaven so we can start again on a decent coat of fur and so she can better examine his skin and treat any issues.

I took him to Kathy’s Grooming Parlor for the shave. She said he was a really good boy, no trouble at all.

Without all that fur, he reminds everyone of an Alpaca!

Ear Crud

Tonka’s ears are cruddy an inflamed. They are painful to him as well, he does a lot of head-tilting because of this. Dr. Sandra started him on DermVet ointment while he was still at Newport Animal Control, and I and continuing that here. Dr Sandra advised that I should NOT attempt to clean his ears until the inflammation is gone, that might irritate it further, just administer the ointment and work it down into the canals. His right ear clicks.

Intestinal Sloughing

Just as Tonka was finally starting to gain weight, the Doxycycline he started taking caused the lining of his intestine to slough off and be ejected along with water-like diarrhea. We made an emergency trip to the vet to find this out. We stopped the Doxy, put him on Pro-Pectaline, Sucralifate, Metronidazole, and FortiFlora. To reduce strain on his gut and encourage healing we also changed his diet to Purina Pro Veterinary EN canned food.

In the past three days we have seen significant improvement in his BM’s, control of his bowels, and heightened appetite.

Travel Plans

Today, November 3rd, Tonka went back to Cedarwood for a follow-up exam. He has made enough progress that Dr Sandra can sign off on him as being “healthy” and issue the Health Certificate he needs to travel across state lines. Tonka will be heading for New Jersey tomorrow evening. A Pathway to Hope has a cardiologist lined up for him as soon as he gets settled in up there.

More will be added as care and training progress. To receive notices of updates subscribe below. It’s painless and you can unsubscribe any time you want. Your e-mail address is used ONLY to deliver post notices. That’s a promise!

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Want to help save lives?
Everyone involved with PMFC is a volunteer,
no donated funds go to salaries or benefits.
We are 501(c)(3) – EIN: 84-3593563

Zane Goodfellow

Last Updated: July. 26, 2023

If you are interested in adopting Zane, complete the application form.


Zane was one of three dogs dumped on Piney Mountain Rd and accused of killing a residents rabbits. Reaction included gunfire. To keep them safe, PMFC built an emergency shelter and took them in. Zane’s companions were a pair of 9 month hound pups: friends but clearly not relatives.

Base Info

  • Arrival date: Feb 18, 2022
  • Breed: Siberian Husky
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: Adult (currently 6 years)
  • Birthdate: 2017
  • Weight: 48 pounds on Feb 14 (should be 70)
    ……….. 52 pounds March 1
    ………… 57 pounds March 11
    ………… 66 pounds May 25
    ………… 70 pounds Aug 1
    ………… 73 pounds Dec 2 (ideal weight, will hold him here)
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent
  • Temperament: Mild for a Husky
  • SAFER Test performed: No
  • Departure date: Undetermined

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Mostly. Since he recovered and has been feeling well, he is reactive with Blade (male Malamute) but does fine with all the others except Callie Roo. Callie is a trouble maker.
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Has become guarded, but not excessively. He used to give the pups first shot at all the food they encountered. That was why he was starving.
  • Preferred style of play: Mixed. Can play gently or rowdy. Likes to RUN.
  • Is affectionate: Yes, mostly aloof (its a Husky thing) but does enjoy petting and treats.
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Unknown, but probably.
    . Cats: Unknown, but probably not. He IS a Husky
  • Jumps up on people: No
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Yes


  • Comes when called: Generally – depends on if he’s busy. He IS a Husky.
  • Sits on command: Yes.
  • Down / Off: N/A
  • Shake / Paw: Yes. Does it with flair.
  • Kennels on command: Yes


Zane tolerates The Children’s (his hound companions) rambunctious behavior but does not enjoy it. Sometimes they gently mouth-wrestle, he likes that. He does not like being dirty, and seems to want to be indoors. He may have been a house dog.


Heartworm Treatment

Zane tested positive for heartworms on March 11, 2022. It was a STRONG positive, so a microscopic exam of his blood was done confirming that his count is exceptionally high. The Vet Nurse warned that he may not be savable.

On March 15th we went in again and had chest x-rays done. His heart was NOT enlarged and no serious lung damage was seen. That was encouraging. We started him on Doxycycline and Prednisone, the first step in treating the heartworms.

Zane received his first Immiticide injection on April 25th, and he tolerated it quite well. Another 3 weeks of Prednisone to reduce inflammation in the lungs.

Zane in crate heartworm
Not feeling so good.

His 2nd and 3rd injections were done on May 24th and 25th. This left him feeling sick and sore for a few days. I tried bringing him into our house, but he just whined and fidgeted. When the other House Dogs came to say “hello” he warned them off – not being mean, just a low growl to let them know he’d prefer to be left alone. He was in pain and in an unfamiliar place. When I took him outside to potty he went straight to the gate that leads to The Guest Cottage and said, “I want to go back to MY house.” I moved his crate back in there so he’d be more comfortable.

Zane will be going back to Cedarwood Veterinary Hospital on June 22 for a blood test to check for HW microfilaria. Until then I must keep him from getting overactive. He is on crate rest and leash walking while in recovery to prevent dead worm tissue causing an embolism in his lung. A bad embolism would cause him to drown in his own blood.

That blood test revealed a very low cunt of microfilaria, but they ARE still there. He gets another dose of Heartgard in a couple of days, that will take care of those. Another blood test is scheduled for next month.

Zane passed a blood test in August and was neutered. He is now available for placement.

Zane is quite gentle on his bedding and toys. He is especially fond of plush toys, which he treats like his “baby”: carrying it around with him and licking it. He also likes getting spiffed up for a photo shoot. We have many more photos and videos of Zane on our Facebook page.

July 26

On July 13th Zane went into a foster home, living indoors with his foster Mom, Rhonda, and his foster sister, Storm (another Husky). Reports from Rhonda have been good. Most recently he has been left uncrated in their home while Rhonda goes off to work. She works 10 hour days, so it’s a stretch but he has been good at holding everything until she gets home and lets them out to potty. He likes hanging out with Storm in her room. They play together in the yard but behave indoors.

If you are interested in adopting Zane, complete the application form.

Zane’s treatment and recovery is complete and he is available for adoption or rescue pull. This page probably won’t get major updates until he is adopted. But if you want to receive updates, subscribe.

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Want to help save lives?
Everyone involved with PMFC is a volunteer,
no donated funds go to salaries or benefits.
We are 501(c)(3) – EIN: 84-3593563

Zoey Zoomheart

Found running loose and picked up by a good Samaritan, Zoey is starting life over.

Last Updated: Sept 10, 2022

Zoey the Magnificent!


Zoey was found running loose along with a 13 week puppy. Maybe her puppy, we don’t know. Both are Husky. A kind lady picked them up and took them to City of Newport Animal Control to check for microchip and publish Found Dog notices. No chip. No one claimed them. So they both came to Piney Mountain Foster Care for fostering while awaiting transport to A Pathway to Hope rescue in New Jersey.

Base Info

  • Arrival date: Feb 7, 2022
  • Breed: Husky
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Adult
  • Birthdate: Approx Feb. 2020
  • Weight: 54.5 pounds on Feb 7
    ……….. 51.2 Lbs on Mar 1 (Not eating kibble well, adding canned food)
    ………… 55.6 lbs on Apr 27
    ………… 55.0 lbs on July 1
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent
  • Temperament: On the calm, quiet side for a Husky.
  • SAFER Test performed: No
  • Departure date: Undetermined

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes, most dogs.
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Yes.
  • Preferred style of play: Running. She LOVES to run/race/bump with another dog.
  • Is affectionate: Yes, aloof but likes petting
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Yes
    . Cats: Unknown, but probably. Sits quietly and watches feral cats while others go bonkers.
  • Jumps up on people: No
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Yes


  • Comes when called: Yes
  • Sits on command: Yes
  • Down / Off: N/A
  • Shake / Paw: Not yet
  • Kennels on command: Yes

Adoption Information

Zoey is promised to A Pathway to Hope in Hawthorne NJ. Please contact them regarding adoption. We are happy to answer questions about Zoey’s health and history, since we know her best.

We also post photos and short stories to Facebook daily.

Zoey has decided to turn the tables. Instead of thinking of her cone as cruel punishment, it’s a fashion accessory: an exclusive item, since only she has one.

Sept 10, 2022

Zoey has been successfully transported to New York state where her foster-to-adopt family welcomed her into their home. They have kindly sent several pictures and descriptions of her settling process. I think this one says the most. This is Zoey’s new sister, Luna, showing Zoey around the place. Zoey is both enthralled with and intimidated by the pool. So much more exciting than the big box of water she enjoyed here!

Zoey sees the pool
Zoey & Luna BFF
BFFs Zoey and Luna resting together after a busy day.

Want to help save lives?
Everyone involved with PMFC is a volunteer,
no donated funds go to salaries or benefits.
We are 501(c)(3) – EIN: 84-3593563

Pearl Brindusky

Pearl was one of three dogs picked up for vagrancy by the pet police. No owner ever came to claim her, so she’s starting anew.

Last updated: July, 2024


Pearl was picked up with two other dogs: Camo; who is clearly related to Pearl, but younger, and another unrelated dog who was adopted before we pulled these two. All were classed as strays, posted on the Animal Control Facebook page but no one came to reclaim any of them, so Animal Control made them available and PMFC took them both in.

Base Info

  • Arrival date: June 9, 2021
  • Breed: Husky/Redbone mix
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Adult
  • Birthdate: @ June 2019
  • Weight: @ 45 pounds on June 9, 2021
    …………………50.8 pounds on March, 2022
    ……………….. 50.0 pounds on Jan. 1st, 2023
    ……………….. 54.2 pounds on Aug. 1st, 2023
  • ……………….. 49.6 pounds on July 1st, 2024
  • Spayed: Yes, July 1, 2021
  • General Health: Excellent
  • Temperament: Can be rowdy at times, but has learned to express affection gently.
  • SAFER Test performed: Yes – Passed
  • Departure date: Undetermined

Adoption Information

  • Start by submitting a completed Adoption Application (Now an on-line, mobile friendly form).
  • Contact information for your veterinarian is required and we will do a reference check.
  • If local, (within reasonable driving distance) schedule a meet-n-greet after your application has been processed. If you have another dog, bring it. A home inspection and interview will be done after a successful meet-n-greet. Sometimes we can bring the dog to you for a combined meet-n-greet and home inspection.
  • Local adoption fee is $200.00  This includes spay surgery, vaccination against Parvovirus, Distemper, Adednovirus, Rabies, and Bordatella and a thorough de-worming. This dog has been microchipped and will be registered in the adopters name. Any health issues we found were addressed and are described below.
  • For long distance adoption, contact a reputable rescue near you and ask them to pull the dog from us and handle the adoption to you using their policies and fees.

Progress Summary

Detailed notes and discussion are available below the summary and gallery.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes, she relates positively to friendly dogs
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Yes
  • Preferred style of play: Likes solo play with balls (video below), running and wrestling with dogs.
  • Is affectionate: Yes.
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Unknown – can get rowdy for toddlers.
    . Cats: NO.
  • Jumps up on people: Not any more.
  • Mouths: Rarely – doing much better
  • Walks well on a leash: Yes
  • Housebroken: Working on that.


  • Comes when called: Yes
  • Sits on command: Yes
  • Down / Off: Yes
  • Shake / Paw: Yes, but insists on making it her own (video below)
  • Kennels on command: Yes


Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food, Purina One classic ground canned food.
PMFC Peanut butter cookies given as rewards for compliance.
Occasional snacks include: Milkbones, Bil-Jac

Photo Gallery

June 12, 2021

Pearl is coming along. She still gets excited when we are in the yard together: jumping on me and nipping at my hands. Camo was the same way at first. I’m using the same technique I did with him and it is helping, she just slower at being dissuaded from this behavior. She’s not dumb: she has learned “In Your Room” (although she does not always comply right away) and she now knows “sit” (and is compliant).

She loves her swimming pool. I put that in there because she would stomp in her water bowl. She plays in her pool all the time. When it gets hot I’ve seen her laying in the water, resting.

June 22

We’ve taken to calling her Pearl the Squirrel because of the goofy antics she gets into – she’s DEFINITELY a Husky! She rarely goes into her dog house, but she loves to sit or stand atop it. My favorite is when she lounges over the entrance part like she’s draped over a barrel (photo in the gallery above). So funny.

She is starting to move away from me when she gets play time. Sometimes she just wanders a short way away to sniff the grass, other times she takes off and RUNS in big lazy laps around the yard. But if I call her she comes right back to me.

She learning that she gets more petting if she’s calm and stays, “down”. When she insists on jumping on me she goes back to her room early. She’s learning. Not as fast as Camo DeTigger did (they are clearly related) but she is learning. She even let me trim her nails yesterday. A major step forward.

July 2

Pearl was spayed, HW tested and got her rabies and microchip yesterday. She is heartworm negative, so we can now safely make her available for adoption. While she was groggy from the surgery I trimmed all her toenails and got her into a surgical onsie instead of putting her in a cone. She would HATE the cone!

By bed time last night we managed to get a small tail-wag out of her. She tried to eat something but it came back up. This morning the tail is swinging wider and she’s in less pain. She ate the stew I brought her for breakfast but left the kibble part for later. Probably wise until her tummy is feeling better.

July 5

Pearl is back to being her spunky self again (video above). She wants to know when she can have her swimming pool back. That won’t be until next week. The incision looks good and is healing well but she needs a full 10 days before she can get wet again.

July 10

Pearl has healed up well from her spay surgery. She decided she was tired of the surgical onesie she was wearing (instead of a cone – Huskies HATE cones) and she slipped out of it and shredded it. Technically she has a few days to go but she’s leaving the incision alone so I’ll not harass her further.

July 14

I have been keeping Blade and Pearl separate because Blade was antagonistic toward Pearl. She did not return his animosity. I figured Blade was just being Blade and reacting to change. He doesn’t like change, even a pretty girl moving in next door. A few days ago I finally let them out to play in the yard together. At first Blade was being grumpy, but Pearl soon won him over and they were running and playing in the yard. See video above. Pearl does not seem to dislike any of the dogs and would be happy to play with any of them. I’ll start testing that soon.

Sept 21

Pearl gets along with and will play with all the other outside dogs. She has calmed down and is more manageable in the jumping on people to demand affection department.

Nov 17

Pearl has calmed quite a bit now. She’s still a Husky and has a lot of energy, but has learned to direct it in proper directions. She rarely jumps up on me or tries to mouth me. She has learned to appreciate some quiet time with a chew bone or toy (See “Kongs” video above). She also appreciates a spell of calm petting.

With the colder weather I have been closing the kennel dogs in their bedrooms at night. The kennel building is heated and closing the doggie doors keeps the cold out. I gave her a blanket to snuggle into on her Kuranda, she seemed to appreciate that the first night, but has since decided it’s a toy and spends the night destroying it.

She keeps her room clean every night, waiting until I let her out after breakfast to relieve herself. A good start on house breaking/crate training. I have no trouble getting her to come into her room at night, she is not averse to being confined in her room.

Dec 11, 2021

Pearl is doing MUCH better as restraining her enthusiasm and demanding attention from me. We have been closing her into her bedroom at night because of the cold. She has a perfect score for keeping her room clean and dry all night long. Well, except for those times when she goes snorkeling in her water bucket. But that is clearly drinking water not urine. What’s a husky to do when she gets bored? Shove her head into her water bucket and blow bubbles through her nose, of course!

Giving her a Kong toy stuffed with biscuits has given her something less soggy to do until she’s ready for bed.

April 11, 2022

Pearl has calmed down a lot in her relationship with me. She has been exposed to several new people recently and did well with all. She has become reactive to other dogs walking by her kennel, but that is common when a dog is confined. When it is she who is loose and walking by the other dog, she’s fine. And she plays well with most other dogs.

She does well at keeping her bedroom clean at night as long as I don’t dally too long in the morning.

Jan. 9th, 2023

Little has changed. She is getting frustrated with life in a kennel.

August 8th, 2023

It’s been hot and Pearl has not enjoyed the heat. Even on nice days, she insists on going inside to her room (where it’s air conditioned). When I release her from her bedroom to leash walk her out to the play yard she insists on taking a tour of the building, checking on each resident, looking around the kitchen, checking out the mop sink, then coming to stand by me to be leashed. So far she hasn’t gotten into anything (not even the kitchen trash) she’s just looking around. She LOVES playing with Brutus!

More will be added as care and training progress. To receive notices of updates subscribe below. It’s painless and you can unsubscribe any time you want. Your e-mail address is used ONLY to deliver post notices. That’s a promise!

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Want to help save lives?
Everyone involved with PMFC is a volunteer,
no donated funds go to salaries or benefits.
We are 501(c)(3) – EIN: 84-3593563

Sasha Swingtail

Sasha is a Husky, just being a Husky, but seemingly she got a bum rap.

Last Updated: Jan. 31, 2021

Base Info

  • Arrival date: Jan. 09,2021
  • Breed: Husky mix
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Youth, Adult, Mature, Senior
  • Birthdate: Dec 2019
  • Weight: 45 Pounds on Jan. 9
  • . 50 pounds on Jan. 26
  • Spayed: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent
  • Temperament: Mild, low key for a husky.  Affectionate.
  • SAFER Test performed: No
  • Departure date: January 30, 2021


Sasha’s owner refused to crate Sasha while away at work all day, so their house got torn up.  Her biggest issue was that she’d bolt out the door and once out recall was iffy.  She liked to wander along the highway (very dangerous).  Owner gave up on trying to keep her safe and a friend of the family picked her up (after a skunking) and took her in, then contacted us.  She loves to chase skunks and has been skunked twice.  Her friend, Kate cleaned her up both times.  She loves car rides.

Sasha’s Progress Summary

Detailed notes on this foster dog’s progress are posted below the summary.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes.  Standoffish at first, but gets along fine once she’s acclimated to them.
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Yes:
  • Preferred style of play: Undetermined
  • Is affectionate: She’s loving and cuddly and follows her people around all day.
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Yes
    . Cats: No violence or even teeth baring, but she grumble/growls at them.  Loves to chase skunks so probably best to avoid black cats with white stripes.
  • Jumps up on people: Yes but she’s just wanting to cuddle and is gentle about it.  Still … I’m discouraging it.
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Excellent!


  • Comes when called: Yes
  • Sits on command: Not yet
  • Down / Off: Yes
  • Shake / Paw: Not yet
  • Kennels on command: Yes, with a bribe.

House Dog Training

  • Willingly enters her crate: Yes, with a bribe and as long as she hasn’t been crated too much.
  • Is calm/quiet while in crate: Yes, mostly.
  • Understands going outside to potty: Yes
  • Alerts me of need to go outside: Yes, but it’s subtle, unless she’s crated.  Then she yells for me.
  • Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No
  • Engages in kitchen counter cruising: No, she has not done this so far.
  • Stays off people furniture: Sort of.  She has not gotten on our sofa except when I’m on it, then she wants to be on my lap.


💕 Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food
.      1 cup + 3 oz. home made stew AM
.      ¾ cup + 3 oz. home made stew PM
💕 PMFC Peanut butter cookies
💕 Retriever Beef Basted Sticks
💕 Jones Beef Hooves
💕 Pig Ears or Oinkies as weekend treat.


Progress Updates

Jan 9

Sasha just arrived.  We went for a walk in the yard and she came inside for a tour and meet the other dogs.  She’s a little wary of the “strangers” (dogs) though they are all reacting well to her being here.  She went willingly into her crate and has been resting there while I process her intake.  We’re in the same room.  If I leave for a few minutes she calls me, but is remaining calm.

Sasha walks well on a leash.  Kate, her former caretaker, says she could drop the leash and Sasha would continue to walk alongside her.

Jan 10

Saturday afternoon, Sasha spent most of her time in a crate getting used to our other 4 house dogs.  After supper Sasha came out and hung with me at the sofa while most of the rest gathered around the fireplace.

Sunday morning we went to Liberty Church of Cosby, and took Sasha with us. We can do that because we are currently meeting as Parking Lot Church, using an FM transmitter so we can listen on our car radios.  Sasha loves to ride, and she was deeply interested in parking lot church.  So many cars, a few people milling around, stuff going on up front, and she watched it all.

All that paying attention was exhausting, so on the way home she took a snooze.

When we got home, Sasha took a potty break, we all had lunch, and as I’m writing this up she is sound asleep on the carpet next to my desk chair.  Blondie Bear is napping a few feet away.

Jan 11

On her first night here we left her crate in the den.  She did okay with sleeping in there by herself, but did “call” me 4 times during the night to go outside.  Each time we went out, she did pee but I got the distinct impression that this was incidental.

Last night I wiggled her crate into the bedroom and she slept with the rest of us — and slept through the night.  When I got up at 4:30 she watched me go, but made no fuss.  She slept until Marie got up at 5:30.

Also, she has lost her wariness of the other house dogs.  They are now getting along fine.  She is not fond of Timmy or Blade (outside dogs) but likes Scout.  And he likes her.  If he would come out of his kennel, I think they’d play well together.

So far she has shown no inclination to play with the house dogs, although the other night Josephine hid behind a tree and jumped out at Sasha as she passed, dropped into a play bow, then scampered around her in an attempt to get Sasha to chase her.  Sasha was tempted, but refrained.  Maybe later.  Josephine is half her size, but I don’t think Sasha would hurt her while playing.

Jan 15

Sasha has been a full-time house dog, mostly free ranging it for almost a week now and she has done excellently! She does have some separation anxiety issues, but has learned to control those well. Yesterday we needed to go away twice for a couple of hours each time with a little over an hour between sessions. Sasha crated easily each time. The first session she remained calm as we left and was excited to see us upon our return, but not frantic. The second time we left she cried as we headed to the car, but upon returning we found her still in her crate and no damage to either the crate or her bedding. We think having other dogs in the house (and some of them in crates) relieves her loneliness.

Because of her reported wanderlust and escapism traits I have been taking her outside for potty breaks on a leash. Yesterday I started letting her accompany me outside without the leash. Most of the time she stayed near me, took care of her business and headed back to the house. After being cooped up so much yesterday, and it being a pleasantly warm sunny afternoon, Sasha engaged in some zoomies around the yard, but always in big circles around me. When she’s worked out the pent up energy she zoomed back to the back door of the house and waited for me. Inside she was well behaved.

She has been sleeping in her crate, in our bedroom, at night. She has behaved extremely well. Tonight I will take her crate in there in case it’s needed, but will invite her to sleep on a dog bed like the others.

Jan. 26

Sasha is home from her surgery. They say she did really well and everyone thought she was just the sweetest girl! As would be expected, she is in pain. But she did eat dinner and she is walking around, slowly. Even went outside for a potty break. Right now she’s tucked up under my chair so close it’s hard to get in and out without stepping in her. But if it maker her feel better to be close, that’s fine. It does make it easier to reach down and give her scritchies often.

Jan. 27

Sasha is a sensitive gal. She’s not dealing with the pain well despite giving her a Tramadol (pain reliever). She’s not crying, just fidgeting a lot because she can’t get comfortable. So we were both up most of the night as she needed lots of comforting.

She’s sleeping now (of course) 🙂

She did eat dinner last night, so that’s good. She lost part of that due to anesthesia induced nausea. It takes a while for that to go away. Today will get better for her. The first 24 hours are the worst. Dogs (animals in general) have amazing recuperative powers.

Did you know that giving a dog a good, deep ear rub releases endorphins in their body that make them feel good? It’s true!
And of course you know that petting a dog releases endorphins in us, so it’s a win-win situation.

At breakfast this morning I brought Sasha’s favorite bed out to the kitchen so she could be comfortable yet near us as we ate our breakfast.

Jan. 28

Miss Swingtail’s tail was swinging again by yesterday evening. She spent a good part of yesterday outside lounging in the sunshine. After dinner last night she decided to snuggle with Marie and Josephine.

You have to look close to even see Josie! But she was quite comfy down there.

We had a better night last night. I was up a few times to get her to stop licking. She has discovered the fabric is stretchy and she can get her nose in there to lick the incision. Sometimes she’s just licking a foot. But I have to check just the same. So I keep a small flashlight on a cord around my neck, Sasha sleeps next to my side of the bed, and I seep lightly. Listening. At least I got to be in the bed last night.

I gave her that last name because of what she does with her tail: it’s a long tail to start with. Instead of wagging it the way most dogs do, hers sweeps around in a full arc, touching her ribs on both sides on each stroke. It’s a slow motion too, just a relaxed, comfortable swinging motion. Swingtail.

Special Notes

Sasha likes to hold hands. She finds this soothing, and will come and ask for it when she needs it. If you stroke the top of her paw with your thumb, it is especially soothing. She is not highly anxious, she just gets nervous.

Sasha does not shed like normal huskies do, but she enjoys being brushed. She has an itchy spot on her right rear leg. I don’t see any issues with her skin, but when she starts chewing on that spot I get her brush and work on the leg for a minute or so an that seems to take care of the issue. I use a slicker brush (like THIS ) but you can find one locally, and other brushes may work as well.

Sasha is reliably housebroken. She will go stand by the door to the outside (once she knows which one that is) or will come get me and lead me there. Most of the time she will insist that I go out into the yard with her or she won’t leave the porch. But I need only be where she can see me. She will wander off to do her business, but keeps an eye on me, then comes running back to go inside. Unless it’s nice weather, then she sometimes want to linger. As she becomes confident in her surroundings (see the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 Months rule) she will probably go out without accompaniment.

She likes to ride in the car and will sit in the back seat or the front. She does not jump around or get crazy, but I recommend using a harness and seat strap for safety. The strap buckles into the seat belt buckle and the harness prevents breaking her neck (as a collar would) in the case of a sudden stop.

Sasha is a talented escape artist and has more than once slipped past me, without my knowing, as I’m closing the door so that I turn around and she’s sitting there grinning at me, “Where are we going Dad?”

She is now comfortable enough here that I can go into the kennel building or into my workshop (the old trailer) for a short time and leave Sasha in the play yard with the other dogs and not worry that she will go over a fence to come looking for me. If I’m planning an extended work session, Sasha, Buddy and Callie all get crated to prevent issues.

Sasha uses a 36″ wire crate. These fold down for ease of transport. I line the bottom with a soft blanket and a pillow. I leave the door open so she can go in there to rest when she wants to. Sasha does not tear up her bedding. She crates easily when I give the “In your room” command and poke a dog cookie though the bars so she goes inside to get it. She prefers to sleep in there at night. With no other dogs around she may not feel as strongly about that.

Sasha is wary around new dogs. Once she is assured she is not about to be eaten, she gets along with calm dogs fine. I can even hand out treats to them as a free-range pack and she waits her turn. Sasha has become a well behaved, sweet, gentle, reserved little lady.


Sasha and Geoff
This is MY Hooman, Geoff, and I’m gonna keep him!

January 30, 2021: Happy tails, Sasha! We will miss you, but we’re happy you’re launching into a life with Geoff where you will be loved and well cared for. Drop us a note when you can!

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Echo Hugghusky

This is a sweet girl who got caught up in circumstances not of her own making.  Yet she came through being sweet, affectionate, and desiring love.

Last Updated: Nov 20, 2020

Base Info:

  • Arrival date: Nov 13, 2020
  • Breed: Husky
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Youth, Adult, Mature, Senior
  • Birthdate: ??, 2018
  • Weight: 51 Pounds
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
  • Temperament: Calm for a husky. Didn’t chase shelter cats and was living with other dogs in her former home.
  • SAFER Test performed: No
  • Being fostered for: A Pathway to Hope
  • Departure date: Nov. 19, 2020


Echo was adopted as a pup by a family: Mom, Dad, Daughter and Echo as Daughter’s dog.  But Mom and Dad got divorced and Mom moved away.  Then Daughter went off to college.  Dad had no intention of taking care of Echo, so he surrendered her to the Friends Animal Shelter of Cocke County.  The shelter called on Piney Mountain Foster to come take her.

The shelter has a policy of not adopting out Huskies because they always come back.  It seems our local folks love the looks of a Husky, but have no clue what they’re getting into.  Huskies are a special breed that require an owner familiar with the breed and prepared to handle them properly.

Piney Mountain got in touch with A Pathway to Hope (a Husky rescue) to see if they would be interested in Echo.  They were.  We went and got her.  And here she is.  It will probably be a short stay: she is healthy and well behaved.  We’re just giving her a place to stay while waiting on her bus ticket.

Echo’s Progress Summary:

Detailed notes on this foster dog’s progress are posted below the summary.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Yes
  • Preferred style of play: Rowdy bouncing and running
  • Is affectionate: Yes
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Probably
    . Cats: Yes
  • Jumps up on people: Likes to give gentle hugs.
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Sort of.

House Dog Training

  • Willingly enters her crate: Yes with a bribe
  • Is calm/quiet while in crate: Mostly.  Talks when bored.
  • Understands going outside to potty: Yes
  • Alerts me of need to go outside: Yes
  • Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No
  • Refrains from kitchen counter cruising: No: she peeks up there.
  • Stays off people furniture: So far.

Terms of Adoption:


  • Comes when called: Sometimes (a Husky thing)
  • Sits on command: Not yet
  • Down / Off: Not yet
  • Shake / Paw: Not yet
  • Kennels on command: Yes


  • DA2PPv: Nov 6 (Friends Animal Shelter)
    . Booster: date (by)
  • Bordatella: Nov 6, FAS
  • Wormed: Dates | Product | Dose | By
  • Rabies: Nov. 10 (Claws and Paws 4 A Cause)
  • Microchipped: Nov 19, 2020 PetKey Not registered
    To register:
  • Spay/Neuter: Done prior to surrender, has tattoo.
  • Heartworm Test: Nov 10 (Claws and Paws) NEGATIVE
  • Flea/Tick preventative:
  • Heartworm preventative:
    . Nov 13, Ivermectin solution, 0.5 ml
  • NOTES:


Picky eater!  So far the only thing she’ll eat reliably has been Pedigree Ground Meat dinner pouches.  Not much nutrition in those, so I’ve worked her into one pouch dinner on top of a cup of Victors Classic Professional kibble per meal, and she’s cleaning her bowl.
PMFC Peanut butter cookies
Retriever Beef Basted Sticks
Jones Beef Hooves
Grillerz Pork Femur


In chronological order, newest at the bottom.

Transporting to New Jersey

Progress Updates

Progress notes are listed below, in chronological order, newest at the bottom.

Nov 13

I went into Echo’s kennel at the shelter and she stood up and hugged me, chattering at me, “Please get me out of here.  Please take me home.  I miss my girl.”  We went for a leash walk before loading up into  the truck.  She chatted softly at me as she gazed out the window all the way home.  She rode well.  Very calm and well behaved.

Once we were here, I put her on a long lead and let her out into the play yard to explore.  As most dogs do the first day or three here: she spent her whole time wandering around with her nose to the grass.  She did NOT want to go into her kennel.

At the moment, Echo is an unhappy gal.  The only family she has known has abandoned her and she’s confused.  I will do my best to get her settled, but it would be best if she didn’t stay too long.  If they stay long enough to get attached, it hurts them all over again when I put her in a box and send her away on a big truck.  Huskies are especially sensitive to this.

Nov. 15

When Echo first arrived here she was … ummm … agitated.  She’s clearly distraught over losing her family.  She becomes fascinated and eager to investigate if she hears Marie talking.  We know that she was “Daughters” dog.  And I’m thinking Daughter spoiled her pretty much.  Dad on the other hand clearly (from the shelters account of his surrendering her) held no affection for Echo at all.  I’m guessing he was not good to her after daughter left.  At first Echo was nervous around me, but she’s settling down now in that regard.  She’s starting to return my affection when I give her a good loving session.  She still really REALLY wants to be in the house.  I’ll give her a trial visit tomorrow and see how everyone gets along.

Echo has been trying to play with Blondie Bear in the yard.  She’s a little too rowdy for Blondie’s taste, but when Blondie tells her to back off, she does.  And all the rowdiness is done in bouncing around and going into play bows.  There are no aggressive or dominance moves at all.

But she IS a Husky!  Strong willed and bull-headed as any Husky.  She’s not as vocal as most, and she’s not as active while kenneled as many: she spends a lot of time stretched out and napping.  In the yard she wants to run and zip all over the place.  I’m keeping her on a long lead for now because she spends time looking longingly at the top of the fences and the open spaces beyond.  She hasn’t tried climbing any yet.  When she takes a mind to try to get out she digs.  Close supervision is warranted until she settles down.  Once she gets into the house, I expect she’ll be happier with her lot in life.

Nov 18

Echo’s stay almost became a pass-through!  The transport had a opening for her, but I’d need to get an Interstate Health Certification done on her by TOMORROW when she would be leaving.  Not impossible.  The receiving rescue isn’t sure they can be ready for her that soon either.  That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.  Next weekend is Thanksgiving, so it will be at least two weeks more.  But Echo is settling in and getting to know our pack.  Here’s a video of Echo playing with our mentor dog: Blondie Bear.


All of what I just said could not be done has been done!  Echo will get her Health Certificate tomorrow afternoon and leave us for New jersey tomorrow night.  She has a foster home awaiting.

I brought Echo inside this morning.  I set up my largest crate in the living room since I would be in the kitchen baking dog cookies this morning.  I let her explore for a few minutes then took her to her crate and gave the “in your room” command that I’ve been using with her and her kennel outside.  She went right in, accepted the treat, and settled down to watch me work on cookies.

When the cookies were done she got fussy.  I took her outside to let her run in the yard.  She peed, then ran back to the door of the house.  I let her in, she got a drink and I put her back in her crate.

Trial by fire time.  I left the area to go do some work in the den.  She was chattering a little, but did not throw a fit.  I think she was just chatting with the other dogs.

After lunch we all went outside for the afternoon.  We all came back in toward evening.  Echo got really excited when Marie came in the door: Echo really wanted to get out and interact with Marie.  There is a definite preference for women here.  I don’t blame her: the Dad in her former family didn’t like her and probably was not nice to her.  I hope I’ve changed her perception of men a little in her brief stay.

It’s good that she’s moving on before she gets attached to us.  It would be rough for her to be “abandoned” several times before finally reaching a forever home.  Some dogs are more resilient, Echo is the sensitive type.

Nov. 20

We successfully connected with the long-haul transport last night and handed Echo off.  She was not keen on the idea of jumping up into the van full of crated dogs, but she did relent and I slipped her into a crate.  She’s such a good girl.  I liked listening to her talk in her friendly, contralto voice.


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Sarah Sue Husklet

Sarah is a sweet, calm, girl who’s had a rough time lately.

Last Updated: Oct. 28, 2020

Base Info:

  • Arrival date: Oct. 3, 2020
  • Breed: Husky Mix
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Youth, Adult, Mature, Senior
  • Birthdate: Oct 2018
  • Weight: 15 Pounds! (Oct 2)
    .             16.8 Pounds (Oct 7)
    .             17.6 Pounds (Oct 19)
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
  • Temperament: Sweet and attentive, but nervous in strange environs.
  • SAFER Test performed: Yes – passed
  • Available Rescue Claimed by: A.R.N.N.E.
  • Departure date: October 23, 2020 (ARNNE via HEARTS LLC)


Sarah’s owner moved away and left Sara with the roommate.  The roommate then got sick and was put on Hospice care.  When Sarah could no longer be cared for she was surrendered to City of Newport Animal Control.

Sarah’s Progress Summary:

Detailed notes on this foster dog’s progress are posted below the summary.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Yes
  • Preferred style of play: Likes to play chase
  • Is affectionate: Yes but not yet a snuggler.  That spooks her.
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Undetermined, but probably.
    . Cats: Undetermined
  • Jumps up on people: Occasionally, but gentle about it.
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Yes

House Dog Training

  • Willingly enters his crate: Yes
  • Is calm/quiet while in crate: Sometimes
  • Understands going outside to potty: Yes, but is not committed
  • Alerts me of need to go outside: Goes to the door – I need to be watching her.
  • Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No
  • Refrains from kitchen counter cruising: LOL, she couldn’t reach if she wanted to!
  • Stays off people furniture: No

Terms of Adoption:

  • Contact ARNNE for an adoption application


  • Comes when called: Mostly.  Sometimes I have to whistle to get her attention, then she comes when called.
  • Sits on command: No
  • Down / Off: Yes
  • Shake / Paw: No
  • Kennels on command: Yes


  • DA2PPv: Sept 25, 2020 by NAC
    . Booster: Oct 2, by Cedarwood Veterinary Hosp.
  • Bordetella: Sept 25, 2020 by NAC
  • Wormed: Dates | Product | Dose | By
    . Sept 25, Pyrantel Pamoate 1.5 cc NAC
  • Rabies: Oct 2, 2020 by Cedarwood
  • Microchipped: Yes, PetKey Not registered
    To register:
  • Spay/Neuter: Oct 7, 2020 (Cedarwood)
  • Heartworm Test: Oct 2, 2020 Cedarwood – NEGATIVE
  • Flea/Tick preventative:
  • Heartworm preventative:
    . Oct 3, Ivermectin solution oral, 0.15 ml
  • NOTES:
    . Severely underweight working on that.


Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food
½ cup kibble + 2 oz Stew, AM and PM
PMFC Peanut butter cookies
Dreamstick twists
Canine Carry-outs (asst. flavors)


In chronological order, newest at the bottom. Some pictures are linked to a more detailed Doggy Tale about that update, click those to open the related story.

Hanging with the big dogs

Frolicking in the yard

I’m being REALLY good Dad.

Enjoying a fire with the other girls

Sharing a sunbeam with Buddy

Progress Updates

Progress notes are listed below, in chronological order, newest at the bottom.

Oct. 2nd

I’ve received word that Sarah has passed her heartworm test and has been accepted by ARNNE.  We will foster Sarah for them through her spay surgery and preparation for travel.  She is severely underweight.  I’ll be picking her up from Newport Animal Control tomorrow.  First I need to sanitize the kennel Charlie Bear was using.  Though he stayed here only a few hours, he messed it up and it needs a thorough cleaning and disinfecting.

Oct. 3rd

Marie and I picked Sarah up from Newport Animal Control late this morning.  Normally I transport new dogs in a transport crate strapped down in the back of my truck (under a topper) because you never know for sure how a new dog will react to riding in a vehicle.  But Marie insisted that she hold Sarah on her lap instead.  She rode very well.  Sarah, I mean — well, Marie did too for that matter.  They were both very well behaved.

When we got home Sarah took a walk in the yard with me then went into her kennel.  She was fine with that as long as one of us was near, but when we both went inside Sarah started crying and fussing and pawing the kennel walls.  We thought she’d settle down.  She didn’t.  We discussed how cold it’s supposed to get tonight and how scrawny little Sarah will do in the cold, even with a dog-house stuffed with blankets.  Marie said “She smells really bad.  She’ll need a bath before she comes into the house.”  So I gave her a bath.  Sarah stood stock still for me and actually seemed to be enjoying it.  Then I set up a small crate and put the biggest, softest blanket I could find in there for her.  She was happy as a clam in silt as long as one of us was in visual range.  When we both left, Sarah got upset and repeated her performance from outside.

I thought maybe she needed to potty and took her out on a leash.  We had a chat while outside.  I told her that that sort of behavior will get her sent back to her kennel.  If she wants to be a house dog, she will need to behave like the other house dogs.  Well, not like Buddy Beagle: he goes all Beaglesaurous on us if he hears a squirrel or a loud car, or a horn honk, most anything will set him off and he races through the house baying and hollering.  That’s Buddy.  He’s old and set in his ways, and thinks he’s Superbeagle and charged with protecting the whole lot of us.  Don’t be like Buddy.

To my TOTAL amazement, Sarah made a huge turn around and was fine with us leaving the room.  Sometimes for extended periods.  I did see Blondie Bear sitting near her crate in a conspiratorial manner.  I think Blondie was explaining the house rules to her in dog-speak, and she listened.  Since then, she’s been an absolute doll!

At dinner time I gave her some kibble with home made stew on top, like everyone else got.  She watched them digging eagerly into their meals and was equally eager when I set her bowl in her crate.  She stuck her head in the bowl, sniffed at it, lifted her head to glare at me, “What is THIS stuff?  Do you expect me to eat that?” and she curled up in the far end of her crate.  I went outside to feed the rest of the pack.  They each get a potty run after they eat, so I was gone a while.  When I came back, Sarah’s bowl was licked clean.  I suspect Josephine came by and said, “Hey, if you’re not going to eat that, can I have it?  I LOVE that stuff.”  and Sarah decided to eat it herself.

She proceeded to have a great evening while I made a scratch-built pizza and salad for people-dinner, which Marie and I ate in the living room while watching an episode of The Waltons.  That’s what we do on Saturday evenings.  After dinner Marie lit up the fireplace and all the girls camped out in front of it.  Including Sarah.

It’s bed time now. I’ll take her out for a final walk, move her crate into the bedroom, and I expect we will all have a peaceful night.

Oct. 4

After a reasonably successful night, we needed to leave Sarah in her crate while we went to church.  She was not thrilled with that, but she settled down after we were out of the house and she was still in her crate — and it was not trashed — when we got home.

This evening she got some free-foot’n time to explore most of the house (closely supervised).  The two carpeted rooms are off limits for free-ranging right now.  As she progresses with housebreaking that limitation will be lifted.

Still loose but out of traffic

Sarah has been intimidated by the bigger dogs, especially Callie Roo and Blondie Bear.  Not that they are rude to her, just that they are much bigger than she is.  She’s been fine with the two Beagles.  They’re only a little bigger than she is.  Blade — now Blade terrifies her.  He’s MUCH bigger than she is.

After wandering around with me for a while Sarah decided to settle on a blanket behind Marie’s desk chair in the dining room.  She felt secure there.  Out of the way but pat of the group.  She slowly accepted that even Blondie Bear, though six times her weight, isn’t going to eat her.  Soon, she was running with the big dogs, “‘Scuse me, ‘scuse me, coming through!”

When she had enough, she asked to go back in her room (safe space) and finish the kibbles she didn’t eat at dinner.  It has been a very pleasant day.

Oct. 7th

Sarah slept through the night last night.  I got up around 5:15 AM and she was ready to go out.  Did all her business and rushed back inside eager for breakfast.  Unfortunately she is being spayed later this morning, so no breakfast for surgery patients.  She’s not happy about that.  She got another bath last night to get rid of the remaining shelter-funk.  She is now Sweet-Smelling Sarah-Sue.

When I went to pick Sarah up from the Vet, she was NOT happy.  She felt awful and cried the whole way home.  I settled her into her crate and she continued to cry.  I crushed a pain pill and mixed it into a tiny bit of wet dog food.  She didn’t want it, so I scooped it up on my finger, opened her mouth and scraped it off on the roof of her mouth and tickled her throat to encourage swallowing  Her mouth worked but she wasn’t spitting it out.  She swallowed it.  After a bit she settled down and went to sleep.

At bed time I tried to get her to let me carry her outside to see if she needed to pee. Not interested.  Completely not interested.  She hasn’t had anything to eat or drink since yesterday so she probably doesn’t need to go.  I’ll let her rest.  She should feel a little better tomorrow.  Hopefully.  Stoic, she is not.

Oct. 8

Little Sarah Sue drank some water last night but refused to eat. She slept all night, with Nurse Blondie attending. This morning she woke @5:30. I took her outside. She peed and pooped and came right back inside. She accepted a small treat then curled up to sleep some more.

Still feeling rough, but not crying. She’ll have breakfast and another pain pill in a while.

Today is Thursday: errand day for us and we have many places to go as we prepare for the upcoming Meat-N-Greet fundraiser.  But we’ll break them up into sessions and come back here between to check on our little patient.

The day is now half over and Sarah is feeling much better.  Up and around and starting to eat again.  YAY!

This day is over now and Sarah has done very well.  Tomorrow should be even easier for her.

Oct. 13

Sarah Sue is gaining a lot of confidence.  Today she wandered off during a potty run.  She can’t go far: we have a fenced play yard, but it’s big.  Until today she has never ventured more than 50 feet from me and even then she’d keep checking to be sure she could see me.  Today she went loping down the yard, tried to get the Beagles to play with her, then trailed after Blondie Bear who had gone down to The Low Corner.  This is way around behind the barn.  Then she scouted out the far fence line, by herself.  When play time was over I called and she came trotting over, quite pleased with herself.

The past few mornings have been wet out, even if we wait for the rain to abate before making our first potty run.  Sarah stands on the porch and looks down at the gravel and step stones like she’s afraid of something.  So I pick her up and carry her around to the play yard.  While she’s laying along my left fore-arm she gets this imperious look: “Look at *me* peasants, *I’m* being carried.”  She makes me laugh.

This independence also shows up in her choice of resting places.  in the past she would be close to wherever I was.  In her crate if I was in the kitchen, on the dog bed in the corner if i am in the Den, and in the evening when I’m sitting in bed reading, she is here, beside the bed.

Lately she has been spending more and more time during the day right here, often all by herself.  One night I decided, since she’s been good with her housebreaking, to let her sleep there that night.  But when I was ready to call it a day and went to brush my teeth, Sarah went over to the corner where her crate always sits at night and was looking distressed.  So I got her crate in place and she happily trotted in, circled around three times and settled in for the night.  She still needs that added security to be able to sleep soundly and know she’ll be unmolested.

Oct. 19

Sarah got her Health certification today, so she is free to travel next Friday for her transport to New Hampshire.

When Sarah arrived here she was a timid little thing and was scared of the other dogs, especially the bigger dogs.  She’d refuse to come in the house if Callie Roo or Blondie Bear were still in the laundry room, and she’d hide in out of the way corners to avoid them while loose in the house.  Her crate became a safe haven for her, a place she could always go to be comfy and protected.

But in her time here she has gained a lot of confidence.  A couple of evenings ago she even got spunky with Callie Roo and the two of them played.

That confidence is spilling over into  misbehavior, though as she’s started challenging some boundaries.

Oct 26

Sarah Sue made the long trip up north, did her two days of quarantine, and is now decompressing at The Sousa Spa.  These are wonderful, kind folks who will take great care of our little sweetheart until she is placed in a forever home.  To follow along with her adventure in New Hampshire, check in with the Sousas on Facebook.  They are good about posting “letters home” and photos.

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Siri Squeakusky

Siri seems to be a friendly, mannerly, happy girl.  It’s too bad she had to go through a dark time in her life.

Last Updated: Oct. 22, 2020

Base Info:

  • Intake date: Sept  9, 2020
  • Breed: Husky
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: Youth, Adult, Mature, Senior
  • Birthdate: Sept 02, 2017
  • Weight: 55.4 Pounds
  • Spayed: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
  • Temperament: Energetic, playful, friendly
  • SAFER Test performed: Yes: Passed
  • Claimed By: A Pathway to Hope
  • Departure date: Nov. 13, 2020


Her story, as it was told to me, is that she was born to a nice family who gifted her as a puppy to their son, daughter-in-law and grandchild.  Son and daughter-in-law divorced, daughter-in-law kept the dog.  Then she started acquiring more dogs, mostly chihuahuas and terriers.  This turned into a hoarding situation.  Siri was retrieved from that situation by her original owners, but escaped from them and was picked up as a stray.  They saw her posted as a found dog and called to get her back.  But they didn’t come in.  The shelter hounded them (pardon the pun) and eventually the fella came and surrendered her.  So Siri became “available” and the shelter asked Piney Mountain Foster to take her.

Siri’s Progress Summary:

Detailed notes on this foster dog’s progress are posted below the summary.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Benign dogs, yes.  Better with males than females. That may abate now she’s spayed.
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Seems okay with food, protective of her squeaky toys.
  • Preferred style of play: Loves squeaky toys!
  • Is affectionate: Yes
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Not small children: too active
    . Cats: Yes (See Oct 22 entry below)
  • Jumps up on people: Sometimes
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Doing better

House Dog Training

  • Willingly enters her crate: No Yes
  • Is calm/quiet while in crate: No Yes
  • Understands going outside to potty: No Yes
  • Alerts me of need to go outside: No Yes
  • Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No Yes
  • Refrains from kitchen counter cruising: No Yes
  • Stays off people furniture: No Yes

Terms of Adoption:

  • Submit a completed Adoption Application (PDF form, print, complete, return). IMPORTANT: Dennis, our Adoption Coordinator, is on vacation.  E-mail your application to NOT to Dennis.
  • Contact information for your veterinarian is required and we will do a reference check. We do not adopt to people who neglect their dogs.
  • An adoption Contract must be signed by PMFC and Adopter. This is a legal document and an actual signature is required. If the form must be mailed back and forth, allow time for that to happen. Electronic PDF is allowed if you can print/scan.
  • Adopter arranges transport. We have worked with PETS LLC and HEARTS LLC (fees are paid to the transport service).
  • Adoption fee is $200.00 This generally does NOT cover what we have invested in medical care and room & board. But it helps.


  • Comes when called: Yes
  • Sits on command: Yes
  • Down / Off: Yes
  • Shake / Paw: Yes
  • Kennels on command: Yes, with a bribe


  • DA2PPv: Sept 2, 2020 (F.A.S.)
    . Booster: Sept 25 (PMFC)
  • Bordatella: Sept 2, 2020 (F.A.S.)
  • Wormed: Dates | Product | Dose | By
    . Sept 2 thru 4, Panacur, 12 ml F.A.S.
    . Sept 23 thru 25, Fendbendazole, 12 ml PMFC
  • Rabies: Oct 16, 2020 Claws & Paws 4 a Cause
  • Microchipped: Oct 16, 2020, PetKey brand, Not registered
    To register:
  • Spayed: Oct 16, 2020 Claws & Paws 4 a Cause
  • Heartworm Oct 16, 2020 Negative Claws & Paws 4 a Cause
  • Flea/Tick preventative:
  • Heartworm preventative:
    .  Oct 20, 2020, Ivermectin solution oral, 0.4 ml
    . Nov 12, 2020, Ivermectin solution oral, 0.6 ml
  • NOTES:


Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food
1½ cups AM, 1¼ cups PM.
PMFC Peanut butter cookies
Retriever Beef Basted Sticks
Jones Beef Hooves
Grillerz Pork Femur


In chronological order, newest at the bottom. Some pictures are linked to a more detailed Doggy Tale about that update, click those to open the related story.

Checking the fencing

Wandering the play yard.

She LOVES squeaker toys!

Progress Updates

Progress notes are listed below, in chronological order, newest at the bottom.

Sept 9

PMFC’s kennels are chock full so we’re boarding Siri until we get a vacancy.   Once she’s here I can work with her and get to know her much better.  During her SAFER test I found that she reacts in a friendly, playful manner to friendly dogs, with indifference to dogs who are barking and being rowdy, as long as it’s benign.  But a dog who gets nasty toward her through the gates gets that attitude dished right back at them.

There were cats wandering the halls of the shelter.  Siri was curious about them and approached several with caution.  If they’d run, I’m sure she would have given chase.  One puffed up and hissed at her and she backed away.  A wise move, those critters have wicked claws!

She pulls hard while on a leash.  That needs work.  But she loaded up fine and rode well.  She greeted our groomer sweetly, sat when offered a treat, and crated up without incident.  So far, so good.

Sept 14

I was in town this morning to run some errands.  I dropped off a squeaky ball toy i bought for Siri’s at Kathy’s, where Siri is staying for now.  Kathy says she’s really a very sweet dog, well behaved and lovable.  They had her in a crate upstairs at the time, instead of the big kennel downstairs.  Steve gave her the ball and immediately SqueakSqueak-SqueakSqueakSqueakSqueak-SqueakSqueakSqueak.  She loved it!  She may drive them nuts with it, but she loves squeaky toys.

Sept 23

Siri joined us here at PMFC two days ago.  So far all has gone well except that she REALLY want to be in the house.  Until I determine how she will do with all of the four dogs already living in the house, that isn’t happening.  House dog is an earned privilege.  But she is doing well, keeping her room immaculate, waiting for yard runs to potty.  She’s been a little testy with Blondie Bear.  That needs to settle out before we could consider coming inside.

She is not a howler or screamer.  She sleeps well at night.  She is doing better about not standing up and flailing me with her forepaws (and claws) when in the yard.

Sept 28

Siri has settled down a LOT!  She no longer “boxes” me (standing up on her hind legs and flailing me with her forepaws), she no longer plays “demolition derby” with me by ramming my legs when she is allowed to run in the yard, and she is much more affectionate, desiring being petted.  She’s turning into a sweet girl!

When left in her kennel, she likes to play hoofie hockey, and will squeak a squeaker ball for HOURS … if it lasts that long.  Otherwise she lounges on her Kuranda and watches the goings on.

Oct. 10

Siri is calming down in her interaction with me: less insistent, much less injurious.  She can be bull-headed, but that comes with being a Husky.  She sees Blade playing the Chase Me game in the yard and she tries it too, but she slips back into bashing into me, so that game ends as soon as she tried that once.

She has been pulling some dominance moves on Blondie Bear, so I’m keeping Blondie inside during play time.

Siri really, REALLY wants to be a house dog.  I think that’s part of the dominance thing: jealousy.  But even mild aggression against any of the house dogs keeps a dog from being invited inside.

She has does a great job of keeping her room clean, always waiting to potty until a play break.

Oct. 12

I heard back from Vanfine in regards to my complaint about Siri’s “indestructible” squeaker toy lasting only a couple of hours.  They apologized for their product being a disappointment (see video above).  They are working on an improved version that is not on the market yet, but since Siri is such a serious chewer they would like to send her one and ask her to do ‘product testing” for them.

Siri said she’d be happy to test their new squeaker toy.

Oct 21

Siri’s new squeaker toy has arrived.  She loves it.  I’m limiting the time she gets to play with it though: partially to help it last longer and partially because CONSTANTLY chewing on it for hours upsets her GI tract.  Too much saliva maybe.  She knows where I keep it, though (a large metal mailbox retired from service as a mailbox, now used to hold treats, toys, tools, and small equipment near the kennels) and goes straight over there when I let her out of her room and beats on the box with her fore paws, “I WANT MY SQUEAKER!”.  When I don’t comply, she wanders off to take care of business.

She is recovering nicely from her surgery.  We’ve had little trouble with her licking the incision so I did not need to cone her.  Coning a Husky is an exercise in frustration anyway.

She also seems calmer — less hyper — now that she’s been spayed.

Siri has been watching me play with Blade in the yard and is trying to emulate him, except where Blade evades me, Siri likes to collide with me.  I’m working with her on that, but it’s good to see her wanting to play.  She’s also becoming more affectionate: seeking petting not just treats.  She has become very good at keeping her room clean, holding everything until she gets out in the yard — as long as I am at all reasonable on the amount of time I make her wait.

Oct. 22 — Cats

While we were evaluating Siri in the shelter, we encountered several free-ranging hallway cats.  Most of them gave Siri a wide berth.  One sat in her way and dared her to start something.  Siri was on a leash, so I was able to control her.  She was fascinated by the cats and wanted to sniff them, but was not aggressive at all.  She talked a little at the tough-guy cat, but didn’t bark at them.  Tough-guy growled at her and she backed away, big-eyed.

I am quite sure that had any of them run, she’d have given chase.  She’s a dog.  That’s what dogs do.  But she gave me no indication that she would intentionally hurt any of them.  The only issue might come from the fact that she thinks she’s a small dog.  I’ve been working with her on that, and she’s doing well.  But she sometimes forgets how big she is.  If properly acclimated to a house cat and taught to co-exist I think she’d be fine.  She dos not seem to have that high prey drive that some Huskies do.

Nov. 11

As we are preparing Siri to board the Husky Bus tomorrow and journey to New Jersey, I have noticed that in the past week or so Siri has become much more affectionate.  She now comes to me when we are in the yard and seeks petting.  If i sit down she practically crawls into my lap.  She still gets rowdy sometimes, but it’s less often and less determined.  She has developed a nice temperament.

She REALLY wants to be a house dog – and would be if she could get along with Callie.  But she gets highly excited whenever Callie walks by her kennel, so we’re not taking that in the house.  She seems fine with everyone else.

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Helo Fluffbum

This handsome boy was named Kilo, but I mis-heard it as Helo (HEE Low) when we were introduced and liked that so much I decided to keep it.

Last Updated: Sept 19, 2020

Base Info:

  • Arrival date: Aug 26, 2020
  • Breed: Siberian Husky
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: Youth, Adult, Mature, Senior
  • Birthdate: Feb 2019
  • Weight: 47.2 Pounds Aug 31
    .              49.7 pounds Sept 8
  • Neutered: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
  • Temperament: Typically hard-headed (it’s a Husky thing), but exceptionally calm and non-vocal for a Husky … at least when he’s happy.  Working through separation anxiety.
  • SAFER Test performed: Yes (short form) PASSED
  • Departure date: Adopted Sept. 19, 2020


Helo appears to have been well cared for, but his former owner decided to re-home him.  Reasons are unknown.   Two ladies offered to help find him a home.  One of them contacted Friends Animal Shelter who immediately referred her to Piney Mountain Foster.  And here he is.  His friends say he shows signs of depression and anxiety.  My task is to help him with that so he’s ready to move yet again as he seeks a forever home.

Husky Hindrance

Huskies are a unique breed.  Many people adopt them because they are GORGEOUS but don’t stop to investigate the breed-specific traits that come along with these dogs.  Many of these dogs end up abandoned or surrendered to shelters because these people are not prepared to care for a Husky.  Some of those issues are:

  1. Huskies shed like fiends!  Seriously, if you can’t handle dog fur all over, you don’t want a husky.  Their fur is long and soft and a pleasure to pet, but it floats around.  You NEED to brush them daily or they get matted.  If you don’t have a good vacuum cleaner and time to do the brushing, don’t get a Husky.
  2. Huskies are very intelligent.  And clever.  And devious.  You need to be the leader of the pack and set your boundaries and stick to them or the Husky will train you to do things the way SHE wants to.  That is NOT good.  Dominance leads to aggression.
  3. Huskies are sensitive.  Do not use violence to discipline these dogs — it will not end well.
  4. Huskies are adverse to confinement.  This breed does especially badly in shelters, spiraling quickly into depression and despondency.  They also do not do well confined to a crate for long periods.  They are social and enjoy companionship and interaction.  If you plan to go off to work and leave your dog alone all day you probably don’t want a Husky.
  5. Huskies tend to be vocal.  They will talk to you – and argue with you.  They will sing to you.  It’s what they do.  Helo is unusual in this respect in that he is quiet most of the time.  He will talk to me when he gets playful and wants to argue.  He talks to me when he needs to go out.  He will sing along with the other dogs when they get up a glee club session.  But otherwise he’s unusually quiet.
  6. Huskies are athletic dogs with tremendous stamina (think sled dogs).  They enjoy running and will need regular exercise.  If you are an apartment dweller and plan to leash walk your dog briefly twice a day, you definitely don’t want a Husky!

But, having said all that, because they are smart, and strong, and devoted they make excellent companions — if you are prepared for their eccentricities.  Because of all this, we are seeking an adopter who has experience with Huskies or a similar breed.

Helo’s Progress Summary:

Detailed notes on this foster dog’s progress are posted below the summary.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Not so much.  Is possessive about food, treats, and toys that are “his” (see Sept13).
  • Preferred style of play: Likes running and chasing another dog.  He likes to play soccer with a human!
  • Is affectionate: Yes in an aloof sort of way right now.
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Yes
    . Cats: Yes.  Will chase, shows no aggression to calm cats.
  • Jumps up on people: Not normally
  • Mouths: Sometimes, playfully – we’re discouraging that.
  • Walks well on a leash: Does well with a front-clip harness.  Pulls hard in Std harness or collar.

House Dog Training

  • Willingly enters his crate: With a bribe
  • Is calm/quiet while in crate: Not if left alone
  • Understands going outside to potty: Yes
  • Alerts me of need to go outside: Yes
  • Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No
  • Refrains from kitchen counter cruising: No, but learning.
  • Stays off people furniture: No, but learning.

Terms of Adoption:

  • Terms of Adoption:

    • Submit a completed Adoption Application (PDF form, print, complete, return to Dennis).
    • Contact information for your veterinarian is required and we will do a reference check.  We do not adopt to people who neglect their dogs.
    • An adoption Contract must be signed by PMFC and Adopter.  This is a legal document and an actual signature is required.  If the form must be mailed back and forth, allow time for that to happen.  Electronic PDF is allowed if you can print/scan.
    • Adopter arranges transport.  We have worked with HEARTS LLC (fees are paid to the transport service).
    • Adoption fee is $200.00  This generally does NOT cover what we have invested in medical care and room & board.  But it helps.


  • Comes when called: Sometimes
  • Sits on command: Yes
  • Down / Off: Yes
  • Shake / Paw: No
  • Kennels on command: Yes


  • DA2PPv: Aug 27, 2020 (PMFC)
    . Booster: Sept 19, (PMFC)
  • Bordatella: Aug 27, 2020 (PMFC)
  • Wormed: Dates | Product | Dose | By
    . Sept 1st to 3rd, Fendbendazone, 16 ml PMFC
  • Rabies: Sept 8, Cedarwood Veterinary Hosp.
  • Microchipped: Sept 8, PetKey, Not registered
    To register:
  • Spay/Neuter: Done prior to admission
  • Heartworm Test: Sept 8, Cedarwood, NEGATIVE
  • Flea/Tick preventative:
    . Sept 1, Fipronil topical, 44-88 Lbs
  • Heartworm preventative:
    . Sept 8, Ivermectin solution, 0.5 ml
  • NOTES:


Victor Classic – Professional Dry Dog Food
1½ cups plus 3oz Stew AM and PM (to gain weight)
PMFC Peanut butter cookies given as rewards for compliance.
Occasional treats include:
Retriever Beef Basted Sticks
Jones Beef Hooves
Grillerz Pork Femur


In chronological order, newest at the bottom. Some pictures are linked to a more detailed Doggy Tale about that update, click those to open the related story.

Enjoying the cool indoors with the family

Bed time snack

Hanging with Doug in the den

Yes, can I help you?

Discussing the “no dogs on sofa” rule with Buddy Beagle.

I’ll navigate, I can sniff out the Sonic.

Progress Updates

Progress notes are listed below, in chronological order, newest at the bottom.

Aug 26

Helo arrived for an evaluation around 5:30 pm.  The eval went well and we decided to accept him into our program.  Laurie filled out the surrender form and they donated a crate, his collar and leash, and food, and a case of Eternal Beverage bottled water, and some cash!  Their generosity is appreciated.

Enjoying the cool indoors with the family

He had done well with the meet-the-gang session, so I set up our largest wire crate in the living room where he could see us as dinner was prepared and consumed.  I fed him when I fed the other dogs, but he wasn’t interested in dinner until much later: 8:30 or after, he got a drink and decided to have a bed time snack.

Then we retired to the den so I could build this web page.  Once it’s posted I’ll get ready for bed and go sleep on the sofa next to Helo’s crate.  That should keep him calm tonight so everyone can get some sleep.

He’s done exceptionally well at dealing with and relating to the other dogs, even when Buddy decided to go all Beaglesaurous on him, Helo just walked on past him without getting snarky in return.  Good Boy!

Want to keep up with developments on Helo?  Use the Subscribe thingie below and we’ll automatically e-mail you when this page is re-published.  That should be about once a week.

Aug 27

We had an excellent night. I slept on the sofa next to his crate so he did not get lonely and anxious. I waited for him to go to sleep and tried sneaking off to the bedroom, but he was on his feet instantly, ready to go with me if I left the room.  So I stayed put.

I woke up several times and found him sitting there staring at me, but being really quiet and well behaved.   He woke me at 2:30 by whining.  I left him long enough to erect a baby gate in the hallway, to make sure we did not get charged by a roaring Beaglesaurous, and slip my shoes on, then I released him from his crate and clipped on his leash.  He RACED to the back door, went out onto the gravel walkway beside the house and peed.  He did not try to go around the back of the house (which would have set off the Beaglesaurous as well as the outside dogs).  He came back inside, got a drink, I got him a snack, and he went back into his crate to eat his snack.  He went back to sleep for another hour when I decided to get up.  He explored the house for a while as I made coffee, then we settled into the den and I worked on his admission paperwork and some other quiet chores.

Catching a few more winks

Helo went back to sleep. He has been a very good boy!

I will be taking him to Kathy’s Grooming later this morning to board for a few days.   We have a doctor’s appointment on the far side of Knoxville today and will be gone most of the day.  Leaving him crated indoors while we go away is probably not a good idea, and it will get too hot in his “contingency” kennel to leave him there in the daytime. Once that building is renovated, it will be insulated and air conditioned.  Things will be different then.

There is a strong possibility that Hunter will be getting adopted on Saturday.  He’s been in Room #4 – which is a light security room sitting on gravel with kennel decking on the ground to keep him out of the mud in rainy weather.  Hunter has been very happy there and makes no attempt to escape.  But Helo has a history of digging out of a kennel if left alone all day.  I can move Bailey into #4 and put Helo in Bailey’s room which is a standard room on the main concrete pad – there is no digging out of there!

I hope to have him in the house with me when I’m inside so I can work on easing his separation anxiety and preserve his housebreaking.  That’s my plan right now, anyway.

Aug 31

Hunter was indeed adopted Saturday and I moved Bailey to room #4 to see how he would do in this new enclosure.  He has done well.  So Room #1 is available for Helo to use when he’s not in the house with me.  I’ll be going to retrieve him this morning.

He rode really well in the truck last week, so I plan to take him with me on some of today’s chores.

* * * Helo has arrived * * *

Kathy said he did well while staying with her.  He hated being crated (tore up the crate) but was good in a kennel.  He rode well again today as we went to the bank drive through (where the ladies were saying what a beautiful dog he is) and to Cedarwood Veterinary Hospital (where the ladies commented on what a calm, well-behaved boy he is).  While there I weighed him.  I expected to see 70 or 75 pounds on the readout based on his overall size, but it came up 47.2 pounds!  “That can’t be right”, we all said, so I did it again, making sure the scale was not up against the wall and nothing was blocking it … 47.2 pounds!

When I feel around his hips, he is pretty bony under all that fur, I’ll do my best to get some pounds on him before he leaves.

Yes, can I help you?

Helo spent all day running loose in the house with us.  He got along well with the 4 other house dogs.  He rode along with me on a couple of runs.  Then he picked out a bed in the bedroom to sleep on.  “No, Helo, not THAT one.  Any of the others.”  He did get down, got huffy about it but he did comply, and chose a dog bed.  He alternated between that and sleeping on the floor in the hallway.

Buddy Beagle needed to go out around 3:00 AM.  Helo wanted to go along.  I leashed Helo and took him out on the walkway but not out where we would disturb the outside dogs.   Helo was compliant and both he and Buddy were back inside quickly.

Helo suffers from separation anxiety.  I am working on that.

Sept 3 – Helo’s Adventure

Helo has proven to be a fine, companionable fellow while he is with us.  He’s been quite calm, except for one night when he got the zoomies, he gets along well with the 7 other dogs who are here.  He’s gotten a little snippy at meal times, but otherwise they all get along fine in the house or in the yard.

He gets upset when we leave him alone, though.  Crating is not an option unless it’s a plate steel crate.  Kenneling works if it’s on concrete and is well secured.  He’s a digger, and will tunnel out of a kennel on dirt.

Seeing this happy face in my mirror just makes me smile.

Today we had a number of errands to run, so we took Helo with us.  He was an excellent rider, sitting or lying on the back seat of Marie’s car as calm as could be.  Sitting up to look out the windows when something interesting was happening, snoozing quietly otherwise.

We went to the county animal shelter to evaluate another Husky that was picked up by Animal Control.  There are lots of dogs there, not all of them were pleasant to Helo as we walked around.  Helo just kept walking and sniffing.  There were several cats roaming the hallways when we went into the main building, Helo was curious about them.  When one came sauntering by, Helo sniffed at it, then dropped into a play-bow and woofed at it.  The cat puffed up and backed away, “You’re too big.  No play.”  Helo let it go.

We visited the Wags to Wiggles boutique and Helo was gentle and mannerly.  He knocked nothing over, and made new friends among those who were shopping.

We then stopped in at a Subway Sandwich shop to buy lunch which we took up on the Foothills Parkway to sit in the car at an overlook and eat.  We brought things for Helo to munch on, but he wasn’t interested in those, just the water we offered him.  But he sat on his seat and left us unmolested while we ate our sandwiches.  Then I took him for a walk before we headed back home on Interstate 40.

Once home he got a big drink of water, went in the yard to do all of his business, then crashed next to my desk chair as I got caught up on some office work while Marie went back out to do the weekly grocery shopping.

When she returned I crated Helo, Callie and Buddy to keep them from running out the door as I  carted in the supplies.  Helo howled a little, but did no damage to the  crate.

He had a great time on his outting.  We had a great time, and everything went as smoothly as it could possibly go.  He’s a great traveling buddy.  In fact we were joking during lunch that since Helo’s two favorite things are sitting on the couch looking out the window and riding in a car/truck, his ideal adopter might be some retired folks who do a lot of RV traveling.  Then he could sit on a sofa looking out the window WHILE riding.  What could  be better?

Sept 5

Piney Mountain Foster Care’s Board of Directors met today.  There was much to discuss, so we knew it could run long.  We decided to take Helo with us rather than kenneling him while we were away.  We appointed Helo temporary Sergeant At Arms, and he greeted everyone at the door – to make sure they all smelled of dog.  Anyone not bearing the scent of a dog would not be welcome, according to Helo.  Fortunately even Pam, who has goats and cats, but no dog, had been around a dog that morning so she too was admitted.

Bored at the Board meeting, but being quiet.

Once the meeting was called to order, Helo went into stand-by mode: alert in case anyone acted up and needed to be ejected, but not interfering otherwise.

All the board members were amazed at how well behaved Helo was, not interjecting his own comments, not begging treats, not wandering around being distracting … he changed positions a few times, going to lie next to different people, but being completely unobtrusive.  In fact he was SO good we decided to treat him on the way home with a trip to a small park by the river.

When riding, Helo wears a safety harness and strap that snaps into the seat belt buckle

Sometimes things outside fascinate him.

Helo liked the riverside park

He enjoyed walking in the grass.

And playing among the rocks

We weren’t sure if he’d be interested in the water.
Once he dried off we headed for home. I like to ride.  I don’t want to get out …

… and you can’t MAKE me.
“Actually, yes I CAN.”

Oh, but, DAAaaad!

Once back home we had lunch, and yard play, and headed inside for nap time (some of us take naps, some of us don’t), then on to the usual Saturday chores, and dealing with minutes from this morning’s meeting, and posting this update because we’re out of broccoli and I can’t make doggo stew like I planned.  I’ll pick up some greens on our way home tomorrow and make stew then – post this update now.

Sept 13

Helo had visitors yesterday afternoon: Erin and Michael drove in from North Carolina to meet him.  They have been discussing Helo with Dennis, our Adoption Coordinator, checking him out on our web site, and decided they really needed to meet him in “person”.

During the meeting Erin asked me if Helo tries to climb over our 5 foot chain link fence.  In answering I kind of went down a rabbit hole about what I do to discourage that and never did offer a proper answer to the question.  So, if you’re reading this update, Erin, the answer is “no, he has never tried to climb the fence.  But he is reported to be a prodigious digger, having tunneled out of a dirt-floor kennel twice before he got to us.”  Anyone wanting to kennel him while away for long periods will need to put the kennel on a concrete slab or at the very least put down heavy wire fencing on the ground under the kennel and wire it to the kennel rails so he can’t dig tunnels.  Anyone insisting on leaving him for long periods had better put some of that fencing across the top of  the kennel too, just because he hasn’t tried scaling a fence doesn’t mean he won’t, Huskies are known to be excellent climbers.

Playing soccer is FUN!

The visit went well, mostly – more about that in a moment, and Michael even got Helo to play soccer with him!  Helo enjoyed that immensely.  Blondie Bear watched from her position on her Coolaroo up by the house.

When Helo got tired he went back into his room for a drink of water.  He snagged his pig ear that I keep in there for him, but he doesn’t chew on because he refuses to chew, or eat, or even drink, if he’s “incarcerated”.  It’s the same thing in the house with his crate: if the door is closed he will not eat, only lie on the floor and look dejected.  If I open the door, (once the others have finished eating and gone outside to potty) Helo will walk out of his crate, turn around, go back in, and eat.  He’s SUCH a Husky!

Helo snagged the almost unused pig ear and took it out to lie in the grass and chew.  A red flag popped in my mind, but I squelched it and let him go.

A couple of minutes later, Helo came back over to where all the peoples were and he sought some loving.  While he was getting lovies, Blondie sneaked down to check out that pig ear.  Helo saw her over there and ambled over to see what she was doing.  Apparently he tried to take it back from her, she resisted, so Helo initiated an argument.  It was loud and vicious sounding, and Micheal and I jumped in to break it up.  Blondie came away with a couple of minor scrapes, Helo was unharmed, and the pig ear went back into his kennel.   And stayed there.

Helo is possessive of HIS stuff.  The funny thing is that there are yard bones scattered around the play yard.  Other dogs can pick up one of those and chew on it and Helo doesn’t care.  Community property.  Buddy Beagle and Callie Roo swap crates all the time, no one cares, including Helo.  But if Buddy goes nosing into Helo’s crate, Helo will come warn him off.  So I keep the door closed if Helo isn’t using it somehow.  This possessiveness is really Helo’s only down side — other than shedding like a fiend.  And we are working with him on that … the possessiveness, not the shedding.  We can’t do anything about his shedding: Huskies just do that.

Sept 15

Guess who slept on the people bed last night.

In our house we have like 800 dog beds (slight exaggeration) scattered around the house, so the ONE people bed we have is off-limits because we know full well that if they conquer that we will be sleeping on the floor.
Helo was sacked out on the tile in the hallway, in front of a fan. (his favorite place) when I handed out bed time cookies. He came into the bedroom with the rest of us to get his little treat, and turned to return to the hallway. I asked him if he wouldn’t like to sleep on the empty dog bed in the bedroom. He looked it over and said, “Nah, thanks anyway.” and turned to go out.

Marie said, “Oh, come on Helo, come sleep with us.”

He spun around, “Really? With you? ALL RIGHT!” (I knew what was coming I could see it in his face) and he made an amazing leap up onto the bed and curled up between us.

“That is NOT what she meant.”

“Don’t care, it’s what she said.”

We figured he wouldn’t stay long anyway, he gets too hot on beds of any kind. And he is such a good boy otherwise. He hung in longer than I thought he would but eventually did get down and returned to his cool spot in the hallway.

Now we’ll just have to see if this becomes a new bed time routine.

Sept 19

Yesterday Helo and I went to take Valley to meet the big transport to New Hampshire.  Just as I was pulling in to make the hand-off my phone rang.  It was a repair company needing access to the church where I am a Deacon.  I told them it would take about an hour to get there from where I currently was (and to make the hand-off).  They agreed.

The hand-off went smoothly and Helo and I went trucking off to Cosby.

While the repairs were being made, there was nothing at all for me to do except make sure everything stayed secure.  So Helo and I conducted a thorough examination of the building, looking for scuffs and scrapes needing paint, cobwebs that needed removal, anything that might need attention.  As I went around, stopping to look an area over then moving on, Helo was perfect about staying with me:

Michael, Helo, Erin a happy new family

A Michael and Erin came to adopt Helo this afternoon.  Michael is a contractor who hopes to take Helo with him when he goes out on job sites.  I think Helo will love riding around with Michael and accompanying him on the job.  It seems the perfect match for this big, low key, devoted, boy.  I will miss him, but he’s going to have the time of his life.

I wonder if they make hard-hats for dogs.

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Bobby D’Husky

Yet another member of the Del Rio Husky Horde picked up as a stray.

Last Updated: Sept 17, 2020

Base Info:

  • Arrival date: July 27, 2020
  • Breed: Husky
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: Youth, Adult, Mature, Senior
  • Birthdate: January 2019
  • Weight: 52 Pounds 07/22
    .              50.8 pounds 08/04
    .              47.5 pounds 08/19
  • Neutered: Yes
  • General Health: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
  • Temperament: Calmer than most Husky’s and quite affectionate.
  • SAFER Test performed: 0728/2020
  • Get the Adoption Application (Contact A Pathway to Hope)
  • Departure date: August 22 (barely)


Yet another stray Husky picked up in Del Rio.  He has been neutered and is wearing a rabies tag, so he had a home.  But the tag is registered in another county.  Did he run off?  Was he dumped?  Was he stolen and escaped?  We have no idea.  The rabies tag offers little info and there is no microchip.  In any case the shelter will not hang onto him because adopting Husky’s to locals has never worked out.  Every one has been returned.  It’s better for the dog to find a Husky rescue to find them a proper home with someone who appreciates this breed’s unique qualities.  A Pathway to Hope is one such rescue.  PMFC is fostering until transport can be arranged.

Bobby’s Progress Summary:

Detailed notes on this foster dog’s progress are posted below the summary.

Relational Behavior

  • Relates well to other dogs: Yes.
  • Can eat food/treats near other dogs: Unknown
  • Preferred style of play: Unknown
  • Is affectionate: Yes
  • Is good with:
    . Men: Yes
    . Women: Yes
    . Children: Unknown, but probably
    . Cats: Probably not.  Huskies normally aren’t
  • Jumps up on people: No
  • Mouths: No
  • Walks well on a leash: Yes

House Dog Training

  • Willingly enters his crate: With a bribe
  • Is calm/quiet while in crate: Mostly
  • Understands going outside to potty: Yes
  • Alerts me of need to go outside: Yes
  • Is destructive of bedding and/or toys: No
  • Refrains from kitchen counter cruising: Yes
  • Stays off people furniture: No

Terms of Adoption:


  • Comes when called: Unknown
  • Sits on command: Yes
  • Down / Off: N/A so far
  • Shake / Paw: No
  • Kennels on command: Yes

Bobby’s Medical

  • 1-DAPPv: 07/22/2020 (Friends Animal Shelter)
    . Booster: Aug 8th, 2020 PMFC
  • Bordatella: 07/22/2020 (FAS)
  • Wormed: Dates | Product | Dose | By
    . 07/22 – 07/24/2020 | Panacur | 10 ml | FAS
  • Rabies: Aug 4, 2020 Cedarwood Veterinary Hosp.
  • Microchipped: Aug 4, PetKey Not registered
    To register:
  • Spay/Neuter: Done prior to intake
  • Heartworm Test:
    . Aug 4, 2020, 4dx- all negative, Cedarwood
  • Flea/Tick preventative:
    . Aug 8th Fipronil topical 45-88 lbs
  • Heartworm preventative:
    . Aug 8th, Ivermectin, .5 ml, PMFC
  • NOTES:


Boarding facility feeds Purina.
PMFC Peanut butter cookies


In chronological order, newest at the bottom.

LOVES getting brushed!

Progress Updates

Progress notes are listed below, in chronological order, newest at the bottom.

July 25

I have gone by the shelter to evaluate Bobby.  He tried hard to push out he door when I opened it, but once I was inside and the door latched he was sweet and calm.  He even rolled over on his back to get a belly rub.  We have no open kennel for this boy, so I’ve arranged to board him for a week.  I’ll go there as often as I can to do a SAFER test and get him accustomed to me.  I am to move him from the shelter to boarding Monday morning (the 27th).

July 31

Bobby gave us a scare on Wednesday: while in the play yard he went over their 6 foot high fence.  He hadn’t shown any interest in the fence before so this was unexpected.  But the emergency ended quickly because Bobby was just hungry for some BBQ from the place down the street.  He trotted down there, the fella tossed him some meat pieces to hold his attention while Steve caught up and snagged him.  He’s back in his room safe and sound, but he’ll be leash walked from now on!

August 4th

I picked Bobby up from Kathy’s Grooming Parlor, where he is boarding,  and took him to Cedarwood Veterinary Hospital for testing and a rabies vaccination.  We had some errands to run on the way, but those all went unusually smoothly and we were running 1/2 hour ahead of schedule.  I decided we should stop in at the Park-n-Float on River Street to relax together while we wait for the clock to catch up to us.

Aug 19

Bobby went to Cedarwood Veterinary Hospital today for his health certification so he can travel across state lines this weekend.  He did well and the staff at Cedarwood commented on what a well behaved dog he is.  They thought his conversation with them during the exam was hilarious.

Aug 21

I picked Bobby up from Kathy’s Grooming, where he was boarding, at 2:00 today.  We’ll have almost 12 hours together before we hand him off to the long-haul transport for his ride to New Jersey at 1:30 AM.

Bobby enjoying his farewell party

It’s late, are we going to bed soon?

That’s it, I’m going to bed now, good night!

Bobby’s hand-off went well.  I managed to stay awake and alert all the way through.  I didn’t start getting sleepy until we were through Newport and on our mountain roads toward home.

Bobby was SO well behaved: we made several strolls through the grass and trees that separate the RV parking area from the semi parking area, but mostly he just sat with Marie and me behind the truck, watching the activity and being really good.  He got conversational a couple of times, but just because he was curious about what we were doing, and it was kept low volume.  No yelling or screaming — that was held back for after Melinda was back on the road.  She texted and said he was YELLING at her!  I suggested that either he did not share her taste in music or he was upset because he called “shotgun” and he was not riding shotgun.  He IS a Husky!

While Melinda was laid-over with us we got to play with some puppies while Melinda cleaned out the little poop-machine’s crate and change the pad.  She runs a nice, clean ride.  It does not stink, and everything is clean and pleasant for handlers and passengers.  Even the ones who yell at her.

Sept 17

Bobby has been adopted!  Happy Tails to you Bobby!

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